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Which artists do you like that nobody else talks about?

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Guest brandon

Magnetrixx, Prisoners of the Sun, Vaishiyas, Amorphous...to name a few


Brainman. Everyone else thinks

it's crap, but I really dug his

album; cool melodies, nice bass

groove & original noises.

Guess it's an acquired taste



I also like Pyxis and O-Men.

Guest brandon

as for that acid, there's only a couple good tracks, the rest really isn't that good

Guest Jikkenteki

Uni is my favorite group that never gets mentioned. They are pretty well known in Japan, but no where else it seems.


This should create a big buzz, listen to Steptime / Trashlords at:

< a href ="www.stoneagerecords.com">www.stoneagerecords.com


Very hypnotic stuff from the bigboss of the Örebro freakfactory ...;-).

Guest bugbread

Ubar Tmar. Everyone where I live (Japan) talks about him (er...since he's Japanese), but it seems none of the English speaking world know about him.


Alright Bugbread - I was slowly scrolling down looking for Ubar Tmar and there he is ! I am in England and am still blown away by the True album ... is there more like that out there ?



Guest AutoMath

Thanks mugge. At last I have the opportunity to hear some of this stuff..

Guest bugbread

Listen to "Live", which is a live recording of him playing stuff from True and another album (no name?). It's really amazing. Very dark. He has two other full albums: Fusion, which has much happier tunes but with this awesome habit of building up a break, and then immediately launching into something downtempo, which makes pretty much everybody laugh and actually get MORE into the groove. His new album "Eigokaiki" is aimed at "psychedelic elementary school students" (it says so on the jacket!) and is pretty accessible and relatively boring. His next album is going to be for "psychedelic upper school students", and, judging from the new tracks he plays live, VERY rhythmically complex, with a lot of rhythm based on Fibonacci series and the Golden Rectangle.


I'm checking with Ubar Tmar (he has a forum board that he reads and posts to quite regularly) about where to buy his stuff abroad, and I'll let you know the results, but could you tell me what country you're in?

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