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community! why not take this site to higher level?

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Guest Pswede

Wouldn't it be nice? It would definitly be more serious, no unserious reviews etc..

Users have to login etc.

Guest Pswede

Sorry for the double post. (in a community i would be able to delete one of the posts ;) )

Guest Protex midget

I love this forum. But i can't stand the thought of having to login every single time I enter....

Guest [tom jaimz]

Well, for a start you'd only need to log in if you were going to contribute somehow, but also, most browsers can be set to automatically log you in..

Guest Elysium Project

If the login programming is done correctly you do not need to login everytime you enter the site. Your browser (Explorer 4+) will remember your login details and do it for you automatically everytime you want to login. All you need to do the first time you sign up is to say yes to automatically login!

Guest [tom jaimz]

Bingo EP. Also if the backend is done properly there can be an option to set the cookie that keeps your login information never to expire.

Guest Protex Midget

Well, if the login process is automatic, then i think it's a good idea...

it would bring together the community.


BTW> if we login as users, then would we still have to write are nicknames every time we post something, or would the nick' appear automaticlly?

Guest [tom jaimz]

Your nick would appear automatically.


Hey guys, it is being coded !

it will come with psynews v2 of the site. some cookies will identify you when you logon. then reviews will get better (at least in the begining)

as for the forum, we dont feel like forcing people to register


this psynews v2 does exist. its a very big website, lightyears ahead from this one in terms of functionnality.


lets be precise :

- the news

- who we are / faq / what is goa

- reviews

- incoming

- interviews

- links

- forum (of course)

- contest

=> are ready for beta release (!)


- parties

=> is the seciton i'm hardly coding these days


- artists infos (lots of improvements are planned)

- favourites

- shops (big cut'n'paste of the links section)

=> are still to be done



=> is no more necessary, but it will reappear as a global site search engine (not 4 poor scripts)


- guestbook

=> will rest in peace...



When this is done, we have an alpha version


And then there are a few other functionnalities left to code

And i have to code a better admin section

And i have a huge post-prod list of things to add and fix (ideas we had during the development, little bugs, etc....)

And i have to buid a complete site+database backup system

And i have to write scripts to store static data (mainly text of reviews, probably 20000) on the database

And we have to clean everything up and migrate in one night (!!!!!)

And then we'll launch psynews2 beta.


Then you'll have a new forum dedicated to bugreports and functionnalities to add

Then you'll have psynews2 Release Candidate


Then......eheheh the most impressive functionnality still remains to be seen.

Then we'll have a true 2.0 version !!


When ?..hem let's say

- March 20th for alpha

- April 15th for beta

- May 1st for final


then it will have taken 9 months to engineer and develop...i could have done better but i'm too lazy when i return from work.



Guest Protex Midget

Can't wait!!!


I just hope it won't be some massive, flashy website... let's keep it underground!


eheheh it will look....the same. imagine the same website, but 100% automatic, more functionnal...and there will be some surprises. actually it ill depend on you, to some extent.


hem about keeping it underground, it is, but it is les and less...3200 visitors yesterday.

Guest FrY Brain


No login!!


It's good now! Why change?


keep the good work!! I love this site and forum!

Guest Valerio

I can't wait too to see the new version !


Psynews.org rules !

Guest space^madness

login sucks and cookies swallows. please don't make me have to turn that bullshit on to get on site to write reviews/messages. ahh

Guest Chong

Mars, there was talk at one stage of being able to search for a particular reviewer's comments in the Goa Reviews section; Eg, I could search for all of 'Syres' reviews. I think this would be great : will this function be on the new site?

Guest electric!sheep

Look, just use vBulletin. It runs one of the tightest online communities quite well: www.hardforum.com. Of course, with their load (30,000+ registered people, 500-700 users active at any moment) the mySQL back-end is barely making it, but with a small site like this, I can see no better choice. Sure beats hand-coding a forum!

Guest bugbread

Well, I love it. Log in once, and you're set, minimization of crappy reviews, etc. What could not be to like?


As for the FAQ...well, since that seems ready to go, I guess I'll be abandoning my FAQ. Mars, if you need any assistance on FAQ updates, though, let me know.


space^madness : its obvious that youre not among the ones who get angry to see so many crappy reviews. cookies are not so dangerous..thay only take a few bytes for each.


Protex midget & me1 : same thing. my plan is to make you log in once and then it'll be as before.


Chong : yes ! but its not ready now (its in the post-prod todo list)


bugbread : i wrote you an email.

Guest space^madness

you know how much info you can get into "a few bytes". and cookies can be "dangerous" in the sense it fetch info from you. control. wellwell, anyway, i doubt you'll rape the info from the cookies. then again, who knows? prrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrprrrrrrrrrr:]

Guest Pswede

I really like the forum like the one they have on www.kvr-vst.com.

You can even rate persons (good for knowing how they review stuff)...

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