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Haltya "Forest Flavour" available @ Psyshop again!

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Yes - I've been looking for Haltya "Forest Flavour" for AGES, and must have checked Psyshop 200 times over the last 6 months for it, but it was not available... Until today!... I immediately ordered it... Looking very much forward to it...


Ehh... Sorry to waste topic space on this, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who have searched in vain for this CD for ages...


Live the dream!


Guest beuh-air

already have ! it's pure psychedelic bomb coming from scandinavia

i love that cd :)))

especially track 3 "1979 flashdance", so well produced , so electronic , and so happy :)))

.....so mushi... ;)


Guest Reece

hehehe, good to see some weirdos in the woodwork!!!....

...hmmmm, sounds like a good track name!


absolut killer album!!!

if you like this, check out demon tea's latest releases too:

weird alchemy and loopus in fabula artist albums


Guest bugbread

Hehe...which one are you, Reece?


And dammit, why won't Demon Tea or Psy-Harmonics throw any parties in Japan? We have everyone and his donkey from Europe and Israel, but we can't get a single person from Australia besides Space Tribe?


(I'm not even trying to delude myself by believing we'll get anyone from Finland)

Guest Reece

hahaha, well, it aint the most popular kind of trance! ;)


but franny from demon tea is kicking off his world tour in may, so if you know any promoters who might be interested,, - www.demontea.com


Hmm...I don't know any promoters, but I do know an artist who might well be interested (Ubar Tmar). I'll throw word his way.

Guest bugbread

Whoops...That was me...Forgot to change the name back after a silly "fake name" post a while back.

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