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Best dark psychedelic tracks..

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Guest Jerome

What are everyone's favourite evil psychedelic tracks?

If you haven't heard it, get a copy of The Delta - Stand By....


Pure Genius.




Guest Psychedelic AllabertA

The Delta - Supercell

Juno Reactor - Badimo

Tromesa - Papierowe Sny


dark and scary =)

Guest Mike D

All The Delta's stuff is really awesome!! Very dark and very well made. I have found that listening to other 'scary' trance aftter The Delta does not seem so 'scary' any more, just quite nice, but not 'scary' at all!


Lots of Tim Schuldt's stuff is pretty twisted.


And of course.......... Gamma Goblins 2.... gives me the chills just THINKIN about it ;-P


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

welcome to the circus!

Guest Mike D

most of the oldskoll acid tracks by The Brain Records lable (Brain 13 etc.) are damn freaky for acid! They mix the old german hadcore beats and dark synths with the most twisted and distorted 393! Check 'em out!

Guest vasyachkin

Source Unknown - Blond Sexy Doped Babes


Delta is my favorite too though :)

Guest Mike D

Also Sandman - End Of The World, very 'alien' sounding song, very nice and digitally evil. :-) An all time fav, the song that kinda got me started :-)

Guest Elfie

something newer that's dark, but not in a scary way, just deep sounds and yet very psYchedelic i think is Hujaboy / Hujajoy, the whole album is just splendid! i luuuve it....big time :))

favourites:Counting spirals / Nemesis / Save ass

Guest chroneus

the delta- as a child i could walk on the ceiling

Guest beuh-air

i agree "as a child.." is a masterpiece

i also love cydonia-anaconda rmx

Guest snusnu

well, there's always a sort of gery zone where people mean dark by minimal and others mean minimal by dark, for me these are 2 VERY different things!! So, taking into account that minimal isn't really my cup of tea, I recommend most schabbaduerst material, especially Ka-SoL and Battle Buddhas!!



Guest space^madness


Guest jim uk

i cant agree more that the delta - standby is the a mean dark track

Guest Jerome

Jim UK


This is a bit of a random question, but I noticed you're on NTL from you're message.. I dont suppose you're in the midlands are you?



Guest psycle

beat bizzare: lewd (album)

good dark minimal @!#$!!!...it KICKS ASS!!!!

Guest overfiend

xenomorph- horror trip

i-zen- voices

and brain records is nifty, they got bad ass acid lines, i'll spin hard acid and techno when im sick of goa.

Guest Doh!!!

Schlabbaduerst rekkords cd 1 and 3


Its Dark hard and twisted, actually i like to call it MONSTER TRANCE or METALTRANCE, but hey thats just me :)



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