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Weak fuking Promotion


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So about 3 or 4 weeks from now i should find out where all the PSY parties were in Miami during the Winter Music Confrence. Even tho i live here -

Infected is playing 4 nights here and the only party anyone knows about is 1 of the 4. And that is only if you are a frequent user of the internet - good luck if you dont have a fuking computer - But this is typical here - It is Winter Music Confrence time here - Probably the biggest gathering of electronic music in the USA and there is ZERO promotion for any PSY acts, as usual. Thats how the trend goes - every year i find out who i missed weather it is Infected or Hallucinogen or Koxbox or Astral Projection. Keep in mind to get a PSY act here is a real treat , so when you haer about one you'd like to know where its going to be. But myself and others have been thru the tons of flyers for the countless parties during the week only to find nothing for PSY. I have seen flyers for every type of party here except PSY. Trust me , i dont mind looking for it - but this is rediculous - even the party i know about i cant find a flyer for.

So PSY isnt big here - well it sure as hell will never be -

Over the years people I know are starting to like PSY aLOT more than in the past - people are starting to turn on to it ALOT more - but in the stores i see less and less, to zero CDs and if they are there they are like 3 years old or older. And then there are parties that the die hard fans can't even find out about. fuking weak. Who can we blame - i dont even care, blame who you want. Dont balme the fans tho. And dont expect the genre to grow here.

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Guest shmurgle

wow.cant believe there's a real psy party down here.im siked.even if its only IM.anyway,beggars cant be choosers.


OA.you mentioned other psy acts during the conference.know any of the others?and regarding promotion,i havent heard @!#$ bout any psy acts cept on this site and i live 30 mins from the venue.


ima skip work early to make it tues.prolly goin solo.lemme know if anyone wants to meet up.






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Guest shmurgle

who posted this party info?


between www.wintermusicconference.com and tsunami-trance.com there's no mention of this event(which i realize is the point of the first post in this thread) and on the WMC site there's not even any mention of this venue.


so do a yahoo yellowpages search in miami for senior frog's and you'll come up with a different address than what's posted on this site.WTF?


ill call up the place tommorrow and find out what's up.



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Guest bugbread

The info I saw was on Infected Mushroom's homepage. I suppose you could write them an email explaining how weak the whole promo situation is and ask if THEY know who's playing and where.

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Guest bugbread

Uh, sorry, stupid suggestion: they're IN Miami, how likely are they to check their mail. Ignore that.


By the way, the Infected forum is full of people asking where they'll play, but no answers...

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