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Guest implant

Does anyone know anything about this guy????????


I mean i hold this pirate copy of his CD a year ago.....but i didn't know nothing of who he is......now i hear that he is from Yugoslavia...(my country)...but i can;t get no info on him....


btw. I even watched a video of his some day ago.....


anyone knows anything....i'm really interested.......


btw... for children.....i'm sorry cause i can't do anything for the site ....... i just can't get not time...and i even don't check my mail anymore......




Guest Entare

Finally someone from Yugo, from my Belgrade.

Pazi Eqked su ti nasa 2 ortaka poznati svima Xperiment djevi Stole i Jakov. Nas prvi projekat koji je izdao nesto na stranoj psy etiketi. a i imali su svoj prvi live act u SKC mozda ima dva meseca.

To ti je to inace preselio sam se iz Beograda, pravi bedak, sada sam u smorenom Vankuveru vec jedno 8 meseci i pravi je raspad od smora sto se tice psy scene i kulture. Nego ako te jos nesto zanima slobodno mi sibni mail. I pozdravi svim nasim rejverima, onim pravim ne dizelase i pozere.


Guest CrusadeR

da :))

Stole i Jakov su Eqked :)..

znam da su izdavali za HedShot records... neke stvari..

progressive/minima/tech trance rade.. sta ti ja znam tako nesto :)..

not my cup of tea u svakom slucaju




Guest akira

I can give you a name tomorrow because he's got a track on Scrambled Heads compilation, but that's all I know.

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