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Guest bugbread

Ok, is it just me, or do other people here get moved to tears by really good music? I don't mean sad or languid tears, I mean smile so big it almost touches your ears, tears dropping down your face pure joy tears.


It's especially embarrassing when I end up crying on the train.


So is it just me?

Guest Mesiaz

I've never been driven to tears, but I often get goosebumps :)


i've never cried either, but i sometimes get that big smile and this incredible feeling of happiness, which is so amazing.. only buy melodic music though ;)

Guest pollywick

Yeah- Logic Bombs shadow of the beast does it for me..

Guest Bahamut

goosebumps: yes, usually with a track that I like very much but I didn't hear for a long time


tears: almost, with some classical music

Guest Bahamut

goosebumps: yes, usually with a track that I like very much but I didn't hear for a long time


tears: almost, with some classical music

Guest JanUa

yep ... it has moved me to tears ... c.o.p. : Troll :) ...oooooh i enjoyed that song so much ... (did take drugs at that moment, still ;)

goosebumps, when i'm having the time of my life :)


yeah - I have been moved to tears by quite a few pieces of music. Generally I am not talking about floods of tears, but more a watering like when you are suddenly overwhelmed by the beauty of the world or have a mystical experience. A lot of really well crafted and emotional chill stuff does it to me - Shpongle of course, but more things like Drift's Arc en ciel, FSOL's my kingdom, MOTY, Subsurfing's frozen ants etc etc. Some really awesome dancefloor stuff has taken me there too, as well as classical and modern classical music (Steve Reich's music for 18 musicians etc.) It is a really wonderful experience that a bunch of air molecules oscillating could transmit such spiritual power.



Guest vasyachkin

sometimes, but never on the train :)))


last time it happened when i was tweaking my equalizer settings to make the synthlines come out better (NO I DON'T MAKE MUSIC, I HAVE EQUALIZER ON PLAYBACK) after i have finally managed to get the sound i was trying to get and i listened one more time i was crying :))) it wasn't really the music, it was the sound.

Guest Mike Hock

Dancing With Kadafi & Maï Maï does it for me.


Yeah, Mai Mai love it. Shpongle did this to me today while I was watching it rain outside. Or the other day, it was sunny. I was reclining on the deck with a cold beer, listening to Green House Effect on headphones, watching a bee fly around. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by all of (in a good way)! That time a tear actually rolled down my cheek. It seems to be a combination of the music and everything else in that particular moment.

Guest psycle

well...iv never personally been moved to tears by the music...but iv come close to it. i did however manage to move other people to tears:)...tears of pain that is..cuz they can't stand my music...its 'too much' for them to handle.

Guest vasyachkin

when the sound is right, and it actually starts to separate from the speakers and walk around the room by itself - it can bring me to tears of joy :))) doesn't happen often though, well-produced record is a must.

Guest Afghanfan

Cry babies :)


Been there done that got the tissues to prove it...


Peace in

Guest Evilben

shpongle - star shpongled banner

logic bomb - shadows of the beast

Ludwig van beethoven - 5th piano concerto

Guest DeepKick

spiritual healing @ beatiful location in the morning, dancin towards to sun comin up

Guest space^madness

oh yeah, hallucinogen - lsd and shpongle - divine moments of truth drives me to tears sometimes. happens often when i'm driving alone:) jolly jolly goooood

Guest bugbread

Glad it isn't just me ^_^


I love a lot of types of music, but for some reason it seems, for the most part, psy and epic are the only ones that do that to me. Probably because it's not serene tears of beauty but tears from extreme joy, excitement, and energy. And, yeah, like Bomble said, it's not a gushing fountain or anything, it's a few tears per eye. Usually accompanied (if I'm at home) by shouting "Yes!!" or some other similar happy nonsense.


I'm starting to think this is why people at parties ALWAYS think I'm on something, even if I'm not.


By the way, I try to refrain from shouting at parties, unless everyone around me is as well (don't want to spoil other people's moods). But it's a wonderful feeling when some tune is so upper and excited that everyone around is shouting.

Guest Spectral Collapse

I was in bed one night falling alseep. You know that moment when you are still conscious but you are about to drift off.... that moment was upon me. I had The future sound of london cd Lifeforms (disk 1) in my cd player. It was the first time I had listened to it but i wasn't really paying attention because i was tired. Right when i was about to fall asleep... the song dead skin cells came on (track 5). I thought i was in a dream. I sat up and opened my eyes.. everything around me seemed almost surreal... like I was floating through some distant etheral plane of existence. It is the most beautiful song i've ever heard in my entire life... and although i didn't cry... it was one of the defining moments of my life that i will remember until i die. Everyone should hear that song.... so good.


there are about 20 ozric tentacles songs that put me very close to tears.. i can't even begin to list them all. they are absolutely amazing.

Guest psywarrior

I have been brought to tears by music quite a few times. It is somewhat rare but when it happens I know I am listening to a masterpiece of music. Some songs that have brought me to tears are: Infected Mushroom - Symphonatic, Future Prophecy - Indra Remix, Oforia - Special Ofer, X-dream - Do You Believe, Hallucinogen - LSD, Shpongle - Divine Moments of Truth, Quirk - Mystic Linguistic, Pleiadians - Maia. To name a few.....

Guest bugbread

Psywarrior: score!


The reason I wrote this post when I did is that I had just listened to Symphonatic and had to wipe saltwater off my glasses.

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