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Guest E-klektik

It's not psy, but VNV Nation's "Solitary" chokes me up.


For the most part I find that lyrics promote tears more than just music (for me that is). Instrumentals will give me goosebumps and maybe warm fuzzies but haven't caused tears yet. And actually, I'd have to say Binary Finary's 1999 (kaycee remix) has come pretty darn close to tearing me up (but that song has a particular sentiment for me).




Guest brent

I'd have to agree w/ E-klektik above-- lyrics do it for me,but as he said, I am moved quite a bit by the music of some songs.

the coolest so far was last fall, I went out to watch a meteor shower (I live in the desert and mountains, so the air was really clear and you could see the whole sky) and just sat out in the dark on top of my car w/ Shpongle's tales of the inexpressible playing-- probably stayed out for ~3 hrs just watching stars fall and loving the accompanying soundtrack. ;)

very very awesome.

Guest bugbread

Lyrics break it for me, because to listen to words I have to switch from my emotional to rational mind. It's a big reason I listen to electronic music: If I want to hear what people have to say, I'd prefer to read it than to listen to it with music in the background. But that's just me.


And 1999 has brought me to tears more times than I can count. Damn fine song.

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