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Genre problem


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Guest Aleksandar

Can anyone tells me more about psy trance genres? I have a problem making a diference between some sorts of trance and how to classify them. Please help me whit my problem?

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Guest phaeton

basically all psytrance can be classified in these two categories: good psytrance and bad psytrance :P don't think there's a need to make any more distinctions

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Guest lab rat.

sometimes there r some practical reasons to know a bit about generes and bps. usually for reference like knowing the label or the year.


personally, i use to classify psytrance like this:


progressive: (some call it minimal) when it dont really own a melody and u find it growing in sounds till a climax.


Full-on: when it owns high energy and lots of sounds and layers and samples.(it can be progressive or not)


goa: well... its when it comes to be a very melodic and layered trance.


morning trance: sometimes its melodic and sometimes its progressive but it usually has those uplifting moments perfect for the sunrise. hard on bass and kick but not too fast or noisy...it let ur ears and mind rest after the storm.


ok...but its just a personal point of view, it isnt a rule, and the most of the times a single artist or even a single track may realy on more than one genere.


hope it means some help...and remember what the guys befor me said...cuz its true.

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