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Guest Mike D

These dudes say on their site about a new album, but different? Any one have nay ideas? Also, I love thier first album, is the second one as good or beter? Thankyou!

Guest [tom jaimz]

Read the reviews in the reviews section, Mike.

Guest Mike D

Um, yeah, I did, I am more interested in teh first question Tom, about the next album, after Cycltoron, the second question was just to hear some ideas with out filtering through the crap in reviews section.

Guest beuh-air

i really think cyclotron is much better than cybermancy!!

most of the tracks are less techno and more trancy than cybermancy (actually , the firts 3 songs are really tech in the delta style but the rest.... wooooooowwww , it will blow your mind for sure !!!)

it's a really powerfull album and i love it :)


but there is no third album previuos ... just new tracks witha new sound... wait & see


bom bom

Guest [tom jaimz]

Mike, I'm confused.


You know Cyclotron is their second album, yeah?

Guest Tegma

I think Micky has some sideproject album going on too.. the project is Rewire and its more clubfriendly style..

Guest Mike D

Ok, thanykou Tegma, that is the inof I wanted, sorry for confuising you Tom. It is just that I heard a rumour that they were releasing a third album, but is must be this side project.


Cyclotron is they'r second album, and yes, it has a lot of the Delta tech-style on it.

When I first listened to Cyclotron I felt so disapointed that I wanted to cry. I was especting somthing more like the Cybermancy beats whit more psychedelic sounds and without that borring sound thet they used on Cybermancy, but now I think that if youre going to hear this album for the first time and if you like the Cybermancy style, you shouldn't espect nothing like that, in fact, the album sound just like an other band, not the classic Wizzy Noise, but that don't matter cus the production and the songs are just great. Highly recomend tracks 2, 5, 6 and 8.


I also read that Micke has an other project, but it is more like an experiment for music played on Turbo Sound; I don't know the porject's name or if it is psychedelic, tech-trance or clubby style.


In Lake'ch



PS: It is great to read and write things without agressions about what you think


  • 13 years later...



Ive known about these dudes for a long time but never gotten fully into them as Full On and general Psytrance has been generally speaking overshadowed by Goatrance.


Either way, Wizzy Noise is by far in my top five Full On artist, and tracks like "This is the end" is something only GMS and 1200 Mics can dream about :D

Which tracks are your favs and give me a nice heap of suggestions now please.


New tracks just as well as old tracks. Pleione is another amazing piece of work but honestly I like their pure Full On more, go figure :)



They made a couple tracks to honor Pleiadians; Atlas, Pleione & Space Toy. This was in the 90s (or 2000 the latest). Pleione, by some miracle event, is getting released on Mind Rewind 3 so that's wonderful news. WN aren't together anymore, I think, and to release their old tracks is all but simple. Space Toy is my long time dream to be released, their best track in my books, but maybe 1-2 guys on earth have a copy of that in full quality (on some old dusty DAT tape).


Other than that I appreciate their talent although their later style doesn't personally appeal to me.

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