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Turntable & Needle questions

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Guest StoNeY!

Hi all,


I'm gonna buy a turntable so I can buy some new trance ep's and play my old vinyl collection. I'm not a dj, so I don't need any high end stuff. Just a normal turntable with a pitch control will do I guess.

The model I'll probably buy is the "Omnitronic BD1520", is this any good? Anybody has some experiences with this?

I also need a needle, I was thinking for a Stanton 500-ALII or Stanton 505SKII, since these are the cheapest ;) Had no idea needles could be that expensive.

So, is this a good buy for my needs, like I said, it's only to spin some records on my room, not to dj, but I do prefer quality...


Guest synapsi

If you're only going to play some records it doesn't really which turntable you're going to buy. Just make sure it's in decent quality. When only playing, the only thing in practice that affects the sound is cartridge/needle. Stanton 500AL is fine. It just isn't good for scratching as it doesn't "track" that well, but the sound is good.

Guest Soulhunter

Yup, I'm very glad I bought this beauty.


Guest StoNeY!

Well, at first those Ortofon's looked expensive to me, but the kit includes 3 needles, so maybe I'll go for the Concorde Pro Silver.

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