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Anyone know if there are parties in Atlanta? I will be there March 24-30 and will consequently miss the Logic Bomb/Alien Project party in NYC and heard a psy scene is starting to develop in the South? Any info? contusion90@hotmail.com

Guest psycle

hey..im in atlanta...but therez hardly a psy scene here...its starting to develop though...but SLOWLY...we'v had a couple of events but nothing dedicated to just psy (other than one that i can think of..which was in a club). there was talk of a monthly party but i haven't heard much about it in a while.

Guest psycle

also..check out www.atlantapsytrance.com

therez not much there...but its a start. join the mailing list for more info...or write to Gil himself (he runs the site).

see u around at the next event!

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