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hello, can someone recommend some nice places in Amsterdam? I am thinking of going for a few weeks during December and January. What are some good coffeeshops to smoke at, eat space cakes and the like? What pubs/clubs play psychedelic music? What are some good things to see? Things of this nature. Thank you!

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I cant give you real advice as I have never been there however I can give you some links.







nice smoke report, this is one link :




general but good links






Another place to visit is Haarlem which has some very good coffeeshops and a more local atmosphere. Check their forums here:

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No problem, enjoy


I am just checking out the haarlem forums "hempcity" again, the last link I posted. Nol (Cannabinol) posts some amazing pictures of exotic hash and weed in the Hash Filez and Marihuana forums. He stocks exactly what he posts in his Willie Wortel Coffee shops. Insane pictures which will have you on the next flight there......

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Looks great :) I found some nice links I'll share in a few days because I'm quite busy right now...thanks though. Where are you in Greece? I was thinking of maybe going sometime next year. Talk soon.

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