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IsrAlienvasion 13/03/04 Antwerp


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Guest SixOfour prod.

SixOfour productions presents:


*~* IsrAlienvasion*~*


Live acts:


*~ Astrix (HOMmega) IL ~* presenting his second album

*~ PsySex (HOMmega) IL ~* third album, third appearance, they will Come in Peace!

*~ Hujaboy (HOMmega) IL ~* presenting his second album "Sonic tonic"


DJ Sets:


~DJ Eyal (HOMmega) IL~

~Dj Goblin (HOMmega) IL~

~Dj Whizz aka Zwimmus (Smiley Tribe) BE~

~Psyonic & Janua (SixOfour prod.) BE~




~served by www.punkadelik.com FR~

~and www.tribeoffrog.net UK~




~served by www.psytwin.org UK~





Antwerp, Belgium, printed on flyer and ticket



Market area, chaishop, foodstalls,...

Interested in market area?email your concept to info@sixofour.org


Presale starts january 2004


For abroad contact info@sixofour.org

More infos : www.sixofour.org

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