Guest galaxyofacid Posted May 9, 2004 Posted May 9, 2004 hey all i am getting really irritated with the police here in india ... its bugging me ... all parties r getting busted and r low ..this is irritating cause they need their money and they r getting it .. whts their problem .. i dont get it ...
Guest cal Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 didnt you know? the ppl who goes to parties where they play repetetive music are a big danger to society and should be whiped out of this planet. sadly the police or milita cant kill all of us so they just ban our parties and try whatever trick to stop us from destroying our lovelely planet!!! and dont worry, its not just in india.....they hunt us down all over the globe, you might think you found a heaven, but sooner or later its going to be found and shut down. this treat to sociaty is obviously very very serious since they spend soooo much time, effort and money to solve this before solving real problems on this fukked up planet
Guest krize Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 cal : yeah these psyterrorists must be stopped !!! These training camps (they call them parties) must be stopped !! NOW!!!
Guest pSyfraggle Posted May 15, 2004 Posted May 15, 2004 good point made by CAL... its not just India, its a global phenomenon... many festivals have been scrapped days before kickoff due to police harrassment or not being able to get a FIRE safety license due to sum insane reasons... on the other hand, are there many other places in the world that give people the freedom you have in Goa ? drugs flowing freely, chillums being smoked everywhere... the roads of anjuna and vagator are like ACID express during the months of jan/feb think about it... ravers got to sit up and take responsibility, we have to educate, re-instate, educate... what does this mean ? it means re-thinkign our every action... spreadin the true message, cleaning up after yourself... yes maybe you and I are like that.. but today it has become somethign totally different... and hence we are facing problems. +_+ boom!! & postivive karma to all +_+
Guest Lara Starchild Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 This is a tricky problem, alright. When i was in Goa quite many of the parties got cancelled, but mostly around christmas-newyears when many "tourist-ravers" with lots of money are in goa, people who only go for one or to weeks to party hard and take a LOT of drugs (often not the psychedelic ones)... A time after newyears the parties are coming back... a little bit, but always be prepared for that they can be cancelled. One thing you can keep in mind is that the closer the pary is - e.a. on Anjuna or Vagator beach or in Bamboo Forest - the likelyer it is to be cancelled. Police don´t travel long distances in India just to cancel a party (like they seem to do in Sweden, where they really hunt us down cross-country), so partys a little bit outside the Anjuna-area, where you have to travel one or two hours is often both better (less tourists-ravers) and probably more unlikley to get cancelled. But of course - every party in Goa is amazing - the energy and allt the smiling faces, the smell and the sound of the ocean waves, holy men and women... Sadly there is more and more commersialisation of this culture, the ones who live in Goa knows that they can make money on it... But if you come with a good mood and lots of sunshine there will be a boooom experience anyway! About the Indian police one can keep in mind, and try to understand why they do what they do: 1. Always the need for money and greed (sadly...) and 2. The brutal Indian history of violence, we must not forget that India was occupied and enslaved for many years by the UK. Therefor they sometimes see us westerners like imperialists in some way. It´s understandable that they don´t want to lose control over their own country again... and... probably they feel a bit angry when we come down to spend lots of money and taking drugs in open air... I think that they feel that they are losing control when we do that. I do understand and MUST understand that they can feel this way about it, even if I don´t see myself as some imperialist, you must always meet other cultures with a deep respect and INTELLIGECE. I do want to be able to blow my mind in astral proportions and spin around in hallucinogen mindbending vortextes in any part of our magical world, and I should be able to do what I want, with a deep respect for the people around me. We can only hope for all people to open up more in the future, and to not be so resticted by laws and governments... So... the best thing is to just party on, smile and spread the message... The future is ours, to party on!!! ;;
Guest galaxyofacid Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 well i am indian and i do understand wht u mean .., but that is from a common mans view point abd the commercial ravers .. yes wht can be said about them .. they care not for the experience .. they care more about having been there ... more like and ego issue and thats wht bother me so much .. cause i really do enjoy going to partries and having a good time ... its wht its all about, feeling, understanding, that the music creats ... yea the drugs r the (if i can put it that way) a negavtive aspect of it .. but none the less the ones who want to have fun .. listen to gil and other good astists is wht we go there to do ... but i am just one voice.... the galaxy of going dark ...
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