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Guest Garret

Hi there any parties in Thailand from July - October. Not the full moon on Koh Phan Nang I've heard really bad reports of being surrounded by the beer swiging crowd and Eminem being played. Any info would be great, local web forums, contacts etc...

  • 1 month later...
Guest PeDrO¿

Dont know who told you about THE FULL MOON PARTIES MAN!!

Been goin there every year for last five and,a lotta funky shit goin on man...


Full on jungle parties with full on psycedelic beats...

If I were you I would just cruise and see what comes my way!!

Guest HILLTOP82(When the shit h

Well, you heard sort of right... Its not at all a full on ennergy there... You have to keep in mind theese days Thailand is a tourist resort (that is to say english footbalsuporters and beer) but still a nice place if you find some remote beaches etc... I found the full moon parties being a bit lika Las Vegas on the beach, with various clubs and neonlights allot of shallow people etc... Still some good nights might occur I guess... Then again even Goa this days is a washed up and quite worn out place.... I really dont know where the "REAL" goa crowd moved on... Maybe south America? Maybe Vietnam or the north of India somwhere in the mountins maybe... The hippie felt non comercial trancepartys are not easy to find anymore...

  • 2 weeks later...

I was at the Full Moon Party, the 1st of July, and hmmm... Well first of all I dont do drugs, and I didn't think that in any part of the world it was going to be so easy to find drugs. I was asked six times during 4 hours if I wanted to buy Ecstasy or pills, and there was some guys who asked me if I knew somewhere you could buy.

I was the only one who had Space Tribe, etc cloth on.

But anyway, at 3.30 in the morning I got sick of drunken assholes stepping on my foot trying to dance and people spitting in my face, trying to speak to me, so I went back to the bungalow..

On the way back, on the beach, I saw a guy flipping out totally, he laid in the sand crawling from a guy trying to help him, that was terrefying, and then five meters away there was a couple screwing on the beach! And there was some guys saying ,"Huh Huh" and they threw sand at them..


But in other words, I dont think I will visit Full Moon party any more..


I remebered now that there is some big party in Bangkok in December... But maybe thats not what ure looking for

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest diggler

full moon parties at haad rin are finished. only drunken wierdness.

there are other parties though - which u will find out when u are at ko phangan. nice ones. its worth it. but haad rin is lost.

  • 2 weeks later...
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