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Guest Protex Midget

People in this forum are using fake names in order to give compliments to their own tracks...


Example: just check out the previouse post by DrLog...

Guest haemogoblins

Mr (or mrs) midget, if you are reffering to the fact that dr log uses the same internet provider as me, so what, probably 1/4 of people in the u.k. do. I'm not into shameless self promotion and i am offended that you think i am. I demand an apology you bounder!.

Guest Protex Midget

Infact, the server that U use, is hardley used by anyone in this forum, and you also use the same Email service... so don't try and get me feeling guilty or something, because you should be apologizing for you self promotion, not me...

Guest haemogoblins

does that mean mean that you are right? why shouldn't there be more than one person with the same internet provider on the same site at the same time? could it be a coincidence? The only other name i use online is brian surge. Do you feel guilty?

Guest haemogoblins

Besides i would at least manage to spell haemogoblins right wouldn't i ?




misspelling your own name..... good tactic.



hehe im just kidding. i have no idea if complimented yourself or not. and i dont much care.

Guest haemogoblins

Thank you for not caring ouroboros,

from heeeemogublinzz

Guest Rafal

Hey Afghan, you're the sexiest most spaced out cat I've ever known.


ni ecaep

Guest Afghanfan

Thanx Raf!!! You're quite a head case yourself. When you coming home??


Peace in

Guest Rafal

I'll be there when I get off this forum - see you.


ni ecaeP

Guest Barbra Streisand

Vote for my song "Evergreen" in the contest, or...

Posted Image


Heck, I just came to remember that I'm not even in the contest! My mistake.


Au revoir!

- Barbra Streisand.

Guest Gargamel






Guest Drlog

hahahaha, you jokers, How dare you accuse me of being in the heamogoblins, or however you spell it, yes it does appear we both use ntl, but so do a lot of people in the UK, mainly because up until february this year their 56k dial up service is free if they provide your telephone line too.


For your information, I am more into German, and uk Hard Trance, but listen to psy tranc eto chill out (Well it's more interesting than LTJ Boredom style D+B isn't it) I came accross this site while browseing and downloaded the tracks that looked interesting.


Protex midget do you have a song up? if so then your probably jealous that I think this track is not good.


At present I have no way of prooving to you that I am not but if you can think of any way I can then I will.


I wish I had never written about them as malicious postings like this will mean my post has probably caused more harm than good, for this I am sorry to the Heamogoblins (or however you spell it)


I would just like to say Protex midget you are so wrong it is UNBELIEVEABLE, you have probably been watching the x files too often or something.

Guest Drlog

Protex midget do you have a song up? if so then your probably jealous that I think this track is not good.


track is good I meant hehe ;)

Guest Protex Midget

Yes i do have a song up: Ectopile - Sereo Nasty...


You can give your opinion of my track, and I dont' mind if you don't like the track, as long as you give an honest opinion...

Guest haemogoblins

Well it seems you've all been busy, thanks again dr log, you dont need to feel bad, i value all opinions good or bad, its nice to be talked about. Naiman, maybe our writing styles are the same cus we both use keyboards you dolt, or maybe cos we are english. Ill try and use a different font next time .


Youre guilty as hell haemogoblins, youre nose must be at this time 5meters long. Youre both explaining so much, and defending each other so much it really make me suspect even more :) ....

Guest haemogoblins

I think you should join the police inspector Naiman, you've obviously got too much time on your hands, DONT YOU THINK THIS IS GETTING BORING, why dont you talk about music instead of bitching, its such a waste of time.Why not make some music instead?. Have a nice day.

Guest Setsuko

haemogoblins = eyal yankovich ☻


(haha busted)

maybe... dr log is a friend of heamogoblins and they sitting in front of the same screen... and the friend is promoting his firnd's music and so changes his nick and e-mail every time .... imo , they're having a good time

Guest Afghanfan

@!#$, I don't care if Haemogoblins is Dr Log. Dr Log - I love that name. If he is one and the same then WELL DONE, you had me fooled. Bloody brilliant!! the track too!!! I'm listening to it right now!! 3:30 goes off - over the primitive side!! yaaaaaaa!!! I'd love to hear this at a party, I'd probably come hehe, ok sorry a bit tasteless. hehehe


Peace in

Guest haemogoblins

Cheers afghan fan, it is nice that you like my track. I was begining to get a bit pissed off with all the accusations but now i dont care any more you have cheered me up with your kind comments.Iwish my name was dr log, it sure is a cool name. Also thanks dr log for all the publicity ha ha. Its a pity that you got dragged into all this @!#$ just because you said you liked the track, it seems like me you are a proud man who will take no bullshit i salute you. Now its time to get on with the music.

Guest Afghanfan

You know it!!! ;-)


Peace in

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