Guest snusnu Posted April 10, 2002 Posted April 10, 2002 What the hell is hypnogogic? Well, aparently it's the state you're in when you're just about to go to sleep or wake up, you know that tiny moment when you're not sure if you're dreaming or not? ("you may think you can fly but you better not try" he he he) I've been reading some stuff and discovered something REALLY cool: you know when you close your eyes and sort of see tiny yelow sparks? We've already talked about this here, BUT if you lie on your bed when your tired and just stare into those sparks, so you sorta fall asleep while paying attention, you actually start seeing wierd images (hypnogogic images)!!!! At first you just see sparks everywhere but after that you start seeing patterns and stuff and after that you actually start seeing images like you were looking at the TV only your eyes are shut!! What's amazing is that you don't imagine those images consciously and see them with your "mind's eye", you actually SEE those images with your eyes just like they were open!! I didn't believe this untill I tried it myself last night... and it worked!!! I started seeing a fender of an old Cadillac, a squirrel, some water vibrating... Really cool stuff!! The only problem is keeping yourself focused while you get more and more sleepy... Word has it if you stay focused long enough, you can actually have an OOBE... but I feel asleep 8-( Well, anybody tried this stuff? If not, try it tonight and teel me what you felt!! SMI²LE
Negrosex Posted April 10, 2002 Posted April 10, 2002 sounds cool, im gonna try that. Im not sure about what this has to do with the contest though
Naiman Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 After 2-3 e's, and some hits from the bongs on comedown, i usually start watching those kind of movies with my eyes shut .. it's actually exactly the same like i would have my eyes open, sometimes im not even sure if they are closed..
Guest ancient Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 u sure u guys aint getting it all mixed up? u sure this is not called lucid dreaming or astral projection ?
Naiman Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 I don't think that's the same.. lucid dreaming is that you are in control of yourself/your dreams when youre already at sleep. This was watching "movies:)" before you go to sleep.
Guest ancient Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 ok hehe, teach me this so i can save money on buying dvd movies, muahahaha
Strumpling Posted April 16, 2002 Posted April 16, 2002 RP, take a closer look at this "black" you see, my friend. Walk out of the sunlight into a dark room and close your eyes for AT LEAST 1 minute. Then tell me its pure "black" you're seeing ;-P -=- Matt/Strumpling -=- lots of people don't notice this effect until it is pointed out
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