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Does anyone know about the copyrights of speech samples taken from movies or games? Can i use Music containing such samples for the track contest of this site?


"whats happened to me taking care about copyrigts" ;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

To this question no one really has an answer I guess. Some people told me that you're not supposed to use any samples at all unless you get the rights for it, some people told me that you can use max 20 seconds of samples...

All I know is that I can't imagine even the big groups getting a permission for every little sample that they are using.

I guess that as long as you don't exagerate, it'll be all right...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest underslunky

As far as I can work out from reading articles in Sound on Sound (music technology magazine) it is not legal to use any sample of copyrighted material (music, film soundtrack etc) whatsoever. However, it is unlikely that the owners of the copyright will take legal action against you for using uncleared samples unless you are making lots of money from the tracks that have the samples in them. This is pretty unlikely in the psy-trance scene, so I guess that's how people get around it. If your track makes it big then you might end up with an expensive court case, though - it's happened to some of the hip-hop producers (eg ll cool j), but I think it would have to be really big (ie top 40). If you're worried about it then you could always try clearing the sample with the copyright owner - bit risky though: they might not like what you've done with it...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Jikkenteki

I've spent many an hour researching this and the current legal situation in the US seems to be that you cannot sample ANYTHING without permission, music, spoken word, movies, it doesn't matter. In the process I also found out that at the time of the article I was reading was written, there had not been a single case of someone sampling a movie that had reached court levels in the US yet. This of course doesn't mean people haven't been busted, just that t never reched court (out of court settlement, etc). Also just cause it hasn't happened yet does not mean it won't happen either. In fact my guess is that it will at some point. So the situation is that if you wanna use the samples you either have to get the rights or weight the risks of getting nailed for using a sample without permission. I've only ever used samples from movies twice, but I've personally decided to going back to just making my own samples again. Less of a potential pain in the rear areas...

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