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I got the e-mail but hotmail warned me.

But maybe this guy is not responsible...worms virus are often sent by victims.


about badtrans.. i got this file from 100s of people on my mail.. i opened the Mail but i didnt download any File.

am i infected? and what do this virus do!?


Guest Mike Indidginus



You should never open attachments from unknown sources anyway! That's the best virus prevention system available!

Guest Elysium Project

I am so happy I am on a Mac :-))))) Those viruses only affect windows :-)))

Guest Quasarta

I had badtrans.b@mm 2 weeks ago or so.


If you preview pane is enabled, then your windows is infected the first time you browse your mail new mail without downloading the att. !!!!!!!


N3Z, Your computer is probably infected







Guest Quasarta

I had badtrans.b@mm 2 weeks ago or so.


If you preview pane is enabled, then your windows is infected the first time you browse your new mail without downloading the att. !!!!!!!


N3Z, Your computer is probably infected







Guest Quasarta

I had badtrans.b@mm 2 weeks ago or so.


If you preview pane is enabled, then your windows is infected the first time you browse your new mail without downloading the att. !!!!!!!


N3Z, Your computer is probably infected








he he ! Elysium ! I'm on a Mac too... we're so safe with MacOS ! :)))

Guest Cpt_Shiner

it exploits a vunerability in internet explorer that automatically executes some code when j00 open it...best bet is to get ie6 or failing that just go to a antivirus site and find out how to clear it, its pretty easy, worst thing about badtrans is the way it replicates...

Guest tequila

yeah, I received a virus recently and as long as I don't reinstall norton, I can't open Outlook express, because it immediatly sends e-mail with the virus to everyone in my address book:-(

fucking virus, I still don't understand why some people spend time creating them...

Guest phaeton

yups, i got this virus too about a week ago and it has been sent to a LOT of other people :-/ luckily it wasn't that hard to remove, but it still sucks .. i guess i'd just better stop using outlook ... anyone knows another email program that is easy to use and a bit more secure? :)

Guest iNFi500

Its not when u receive the file u get infected, its when u click on it and activate it.


Outlook is as secure as u let it be. First disable the -hide known file extention- option so u can see what extention the file actually has. Opening VBS, EXE, SCR(screensaver) from unknown sources is a no go. Standard .txt .mp3 .jpg can be opened 100% safely since no virus can be initiated through that.


What also helps is opening/associate these files with Notepad by default so if you click on a disguished VBS script instead of running it the malicious source code is displayed. 100% safe since u don't activate/execute it. (Windows executes the VBS scripts by default).


If u follow these guidelines U can safely uninstall a virus checker which consequently saves a lot of system resources...


tipworld have got it, i had it three times from them this afternoon! how pointless.

Guest Mahoney

Tequila: I did receive a virus from you´re mail rescently, arghh ;)

Guest tequila

yes, but I received the virus from phaeton, it's not my fault:)


Hey, I had the virus from Phaeton too!!

And from Stormbringer!!


Argh, it seems to be a WORM!! KILLL IT KILLLLlllll


Bom Shankar



yeah nobody knows how to contaminate the macs. Macs get to look upon those viriuses with profound detachment and equanimity. :)

It's always some microsoft thing. (which is a good thing) microsoft = god over computers. I don't finance microsoft... yet apple isn't much better as far as character goes. They'd be happy to have the monopoly and charge you money for the update that fixs the intentional bugs they created in their original software verisons.

Wait a minute they already do that (MacOS X update 10.1)!!!

Guest trancer

i also recieved a virus from tequila..subject was etnica...anyway i was in school when i oppened it so i don't care..but tequila did you send it????

Guest tequila

trancer: no idea, it seems that outlook sends the virus without warning me at all, but concerning the subject, it's weird, there was also a psytrance related subject in the mail that contaminated my computer.

hehe, a virus created by a psytrance fan that randomly choose a psytrance subject for the e-mail?

sounds weird.

by the way, neither phaeton (i guess) or me has sent this virus on purpose.

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