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Infected Mushroom - IM The Supervisor [Review]

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Good Point, Redeemer, but, to me , every one of their releases has a different flavor to it, showing their progression...it's true, I listened to the trance side of CV yesterday, and it just isn't the same as the other releases, but it's still good music, to me. It still has the infected touch, which imo is better than any of the other new stuff out there. And Redeemer, maybe they have plenty of ideas, but they are just different than the ones that everyone was used to, or wants. I'm from the US so I don't know if they are getting "trendy" or whatever, I'm the only one that I know that even knows who they are where I live :) , but I still like what they are doing.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, I suppose it's a matter of taste after all. :) I just can't help the feeling that they are no longer doing their best nor putting 100% into their music. Sure, there may be nice musical hooks here and there, but as a whole it just feels quite shallow.


As to artists changing their style and experimenting, maybe I'm just old fashioned but sometimes I think it would be better to keep doing what you're good at instead of forcefully trying to do something different just for the sake of it and ending up with a forced and pretentious result...


Keeping your style doesn't mean that you can't create something new! It just means that even the new stuff sounds like you. :)

  vexic said:

Infected still blows me away.


That`s the rightest words in the whole conversation. Imo each artist who changes its` style or image should understand that the unknown part of fans will be lost. I think that IM started to change stealthy with their second album. Every album is a progress, a step forward, a new look. Our heroes live and feel every day, just like you and me. So it`s ok that every next album is different from the previous one.

In spite of they became different from the trance patterns they are still full of psychedelic. They are playing music and they are playing with it.


And may be that fans who realized (heard) only now the change of IM are most disappointed. I think they still can do psy-trance even better than before but they have found some new higher grounds.


PS: If you want good-old IM, listen to their early tracks. They are still fresh.


  Redeemer said:

What's completely missing from IM's music these days is that the tracks don't build anymore. On Gathering and Classical, every time you thought "omfg, this track can't get better" it took one step further. There's just none of that left anymore.


naaah its not completely missing. i know i keep repeating me, but listen to Horus the Chorus and read thru psychosis' review on this track. there still is nice build in some trax left..


Posted Image


1. IM the supervisor

2. Ratio Shmatio

3. Muse Breaks RMX

4. Meduzz

5. Cities Of The Future

6. Horus The Chorus

7. Frog Machine

8. Noon

9. Bombat

10. Stretched


Well first of all, I must admit in all objectivity that I never was a fan of IM's music... from The Gathering to Converting Vegetarians, I just never "got" their music.


So with that said, I didn't like this at all!! It has... VOCALS!!! It actually sounds more like some underground pop (if such a thing exists...) than psytrance.


The title track IM the Supervisor has a voice similar to Ferddy Mercury's in Another One Bites the Dust saying "come on come on dance with me"... need I say how incerdibly cheezy it sounds?


Ratio Shmatio sounds a bit more like psy... there is a nice uplifting melody near the end but it turns a little too cheezy for my tastes. Still, this could make a good effect in a properly-constructed morning set.


Muse Breaks has some female singing, followed by some raga, followed by Duvdev rapping in a vocorder... For some reason this reminded me of an early 90s eurodance track Leyla K - Open Sesame . During Duvdev's rapping I couldn't help "superposing" Leyla K's rapping ("Abracradabra me say open sesame"). Maybe it just me... anyway, the track has a killer minute and a half near the end, with screaming 303s... but that's not enough to save the track IMO... still, thumbs up for reminding me that Leyla K track ;)


Meduzz is wierd, it has a classical music part à la Synsun and then it turns into a guitar melody... still I wouldn't consider this good. But I think that fans of IM's "typical" stuff will like it.


Cities of the Future is one that a lot of you probably know already since it was released as an EP earlier this year. What can I say, music with lyrics like "We're gonna run run run to the cities of the future/ Take what we can and bring it back home/ So take me now to the cities of the future/ Everybody's happy and I'm feeling home" just can't be good. Still, if you were to consider this as a pop track and not a psy track, I'd like it a lot ;)


Horus The Chorus goes back to some actual psy. It kindof winds in between dark and happy trance. This is my fave track of the album, it has a really killer climax, I'm sure it will make a lot of people go mad on the dancefloor :)


Frog Machine goes again into cheezy-almost-pop territory. It almost sounds like some kind of videogame music. Good for 12 year-old kids but... the track has a few interesting moments, but again not enough to save the whole track IMO...


Noon sounds more like some progressive eurotrance. It has a nice hypnotic 303 line, it's simplistic but at the same time reminds me older trance... then it turns totally random in the last mintues, wasting the whole "hypnotized" feeling...


Bombat has the typical IM melodies... the kind of melodies I dont like. So again, if you like older IM stuff then you'll probably like this. Personally it's never been my cup of tea.


Streched is a funky downtempo track. Again, it reminds me older downtempo stuff from the early 90s. Some might say it's cheezy but I like it :) The first part somehow reminded me of Dance 2 Trance - Hello San Francisco and that still is one of my top trance tracks of all time. Then it turns into some late 80's industrial which is followed by an interesting female voice singing... Could it actually be Bjork ??? anyway, it's very much in her style. Then there's a piano tune, followed by some more guitarish 303s and then it turns more trancy... what a trip!!! Maaaan if there was an album full of tracks like this one!!!


Conclusion Basically there are only 2 tracks I really like: Horus the Corus and the downtempo track Streched . The rest sounds more like a crossover of pop and nitzhonot than actual psytrance... I'm sure kids will love it ;) As for me... 4/10

On the other hand I never was a big fan of IM so maybe it you are you'll rate this higher.


Ok, I just listened to the album. There was unfortunately not even ONE track that I like from start to end.


Now, dont get it wrong, they are FUCKING good producers these boys, they are very tight in the production, and they have skills that producers in the pop world would only dream of.


The mix of lyrics and Psy is not really what I want out of Psy. Especially not the way that they have put it (Lyrics, song can be very nice). For me its an attempt to reach out to a new crowd, and I think they will do it in time. I mean, damn, I heard IM playing in C&A the other day, I didnt believe my ears! (not live, in the speakers hehe, Live would be hillarious)


For Production and Arrangement and Sound engineering I will give them a 9

For the style a 1


Also a 4 then ;)

  djnemo said:

The mix of lyrics and Psy is not really what I want out of Psy. Especially not the way that they have put it (Lyrics, song can be very nice). For me its an attempt to reach out to a new crowd, and I think they will do it in time.



I agree, somewhat.


That is one thing that I don't really get. I mean lyrics can be great! It can add a whole other dimension of artistry. But, I don't understand Infected's choice of lyrics, for any of their songs (CV and the most recent). Some of the manipulations of the voice I like a lot , but mostly the lyrics don't seem to have any particular meaning, except just to "be there". Am I missing something?


Lyrics + Psytrance = Weird, over all, but I like what they did, I just wish they put more thought behind it. (Unless I'm clueless and they have some hidden meaning.)


First off, we've heard this before, which wouldn't be a negative thing if there were more substance and depth, imagination and passion put into the songs with that classic IM flavor.


When their first (which I did NOT love) album, and second (which I loved) album came out, it was different, risky, constantly impressing in detail and where the song took you. I wouldn't say that this is a complete bad album. There are some very well done tracks, (4 and 9 and maybe one other one) but also some tracks with lyrics that stress the obvious; Infected Muchroom are trying to be too appealing to mainstream audiences, and in part they are alienating much of their loving, original fanbase.


Some track(s) may annoy hardcore, general fans. For example, the singing in first track RUINS the song for me and I seem far from alone in this. Although I encourage innovation and taking risks, I'm not as much complaining that their style isn't as fresh or original as it used to be. The problem is that the biggest encouragement IM is doing is SINGING, which is the way you DO NOT DO IT in the opening track here. Singing however sometimes WORKS, like in track one on "The Other Side" of Converting Vegaterians," and track 3, Muse Breaks, on this album with the female voices.


The amount of negativity on this album just astounds me.


Granted, I could've done without "I'm the Supervisor" and "Muse Breaks"...but the other tracks are great!


Ratio Schmatio almost wants to make me cry! I love it!!


And Bombat...wow...I love it too.


So the tracks are nothing like they were on Classical Mushroom...would you really listen to an artist that just kept regurgitating their best album over and over again? Of course not. This is what they wanted to do differently. I certainly like it better than Converting Vegetarians.


Someone further up in this thread commented on how it seems that now if IM comes out with a new track and isn't "dance floor worthy" that they scrap it and start over again, and was disgusted by this.




I've seen them twice, and am about to see them for the third time on Monday night. It's unbelivable...the energy, the music (Erez does a LOT of improv on the keyboards!), the people, oh and did I mention the MUSIC?!! They put on a wicked show!! And really, I only got the album so I would know every track, note for note, so that when I get there, I'm psyched and I know what's going to happen.


Admittedly, if I had heard this album for the first time live, I would've been scratching my head. But this album grows on you...the more you listen to it, the more you like it. Even if it's not their best album, it still has the unmistakable IM flavour to it.


Next time you go to a goa show that's BETTER than seeing Infected Mushroom live, please let me know. I've seen Astral Projection, Loopus in Fabula, Shakta, and other live acts, and hands down, IM's still the best. :)


agreed that IM sounds 1000 times better live than on albums... the proof being that I don't like IM albums at ALL but I absolutley loved their live performance!!




i have read many of the reviews on IM's new album IM the supervisor.

i was quite impressed with the new improved, evolved and refined sound IM has produced in its new album. it is almost as if it took the good's from C.V trance side and improved on them by taking out the bad's.


if you bag the album you obviously havent had a proper listen.

1) IM the supervisor: average track, probably the worst on the album, although wouldn't be a bad intro if you think about it for a rave.

2) Ratio Shmatio: had it way before the album, unbelievable song, has the traditional build up with the peak part like classical mushroom songs. i also love the end part when they dedicate a minute or so to b.p style.

3) Muse Breaks RMX: at first i thought this song was abit corny although it became my second favourite track on the album after frog machine. Michele Adamson does it again with her brilliant voice and infected's rip off of 'superstyler' is just fantastic and exciting. the trancey part at the end is also a great way to finish it off.

4) Meduzz: this is a dark song. makes me feel as if i am in a factory full of machines. it brings back some memories of the gathering. i absolutely love it and the end part defines IM. no other artist could transform beautiful orchestra into beautiful trance.

5) cities of the future: heard the sample gave it a thumbs down. however the real version is fantastic! the part at around 3 minutes, where its silence...then the beat kicks in...nothing could define IM better than that beat. the crazy part when Duvdev starts screaming is crazy and perfectly describes his drug experiences. listen to the lyrics you'll understand...

6) Horus the Chorus: i haven't really been able to get into this one properly yet although i really do enjoy it. the build up at the 5.20 minute mark is very crazy and similar to ratio. however i did expect more from the part after it...

7) frog machine: this song is BP EMPIRE! it is very dark and weird. the part after a minute is great and once again shows IM's talent in transforming orchestra into trance. best song on the album!

8) Noon: this is another awsome song. it just goes on and on like a story. no great build ups although i reckon this one is better off without a build up. it just goes on and on and has a very catchy riff to it.

9) bombat: crazyyyyyyyyyyyy...i've heard this a while back and i've always loved it. it brings Classical mushroom into the album and the build ups are best when played LOUD!

10) stretched: omg...a new and improved version of dancing with kadafi...same sorta layout only stretched is focused on one kind of beat rather than repeatedly changing itself like dancing with kadafi. both are very great although that guitar riff after about 1.20 is the cherry on top that makes stretched that extra bit better than dancing with kadafi.


so before you critisize this album. think again! expectations were met! its just u must get used to it to understand its full appreciation. with the older albums, it also took time to get used to.


I got it and I am also dissapointed. I absolutely hate IM THE SUPERVISOR, MUSE BREAKZ, CITIES OF THE FUTURE... The rest is not bad but certainly not special. Only RATIO SHMATIO and HORUS THE CHORUS are worth some attnetnion and BOMBAT and STRECTHED are also very nice... Rest...below average....5/10


Well, I got the new IM album about a week ago and I have to say I really love it. More full-on than Converting Vegetarian and also BP Empire. The tracks are really danceable and they are very energetic and powerfull. I don't mind the lyrics. In fact I really love the dancehall like vocals in track 3. As also mentioned in Bombattt's review there are some wicked melodies that reminds me on Classical Mushrooms. So far (in my opinion of course) this is the second best album after CM. If they release more tracks like this, I'll be happy.

  • 1 month later...

I dont really understand you guys. I mean, okay... Maybe "IM the Superviser" isnt that much of a GOA album, but its certainly a very nice piece of quality music. Accept one fact: IM have been slowly drifting away to Electronica and Freestyle ever after "Classical Mushroom" - and even this last one already cant be seen as Goa.

And still, you can find lots of "BP Empire"'s content inside; namely on "Bombat", "Horus the Chorus" and in some moments of "IM the superviser". "Meduzz" even takes us back to "Classical Mushroom". And "Ratio Schmatio" and "Frog Machine" make the cd a very good deal by themselves - the sound is the purest they have ever produced; the rythm is absolutely psychadelic and overwhelming. And Stretched ... WHOA.

On the low points, the main problem is that unlike they have done on CV the Freestyle and pseudo-Goa tracks are sorted into one single cd instead of two, what would leave the styles more clearly defined. Also, the album is too short - I definitely miss that extra hour from CV. *sigh* And Noon...


7/10. This album may not be a masterpiece, but is certainly a fine step forward in their evolution. And I'll keep on supporting IM, more than ever before.


EDIT: Herm... Been reading the thread again and it seems that there are more positive opinions on the 2nd and 3rd pages. Also, everything I said is already refered on previous posts, so this review is kinda pointless... Sorry =/ Oh, and hightlights on Psychosis's review, both by his detailed analysis and because I agree with every single point.


I guess I'm with the others here. Some of the tracks are very nice, Horus the Chorus, Bombat, Stretched.


Some of this though is really bad, Cities of the Future is awful.


I don't see how this can be called "mainstream: or"pop" music at all because it's so NOT catchy! I mean, Classical Mushroom and Converting Vegetarians are very catchy and accesible music but this album is just bad on the ears most the time.


I think both sides of Converting Vegetarians are vastly superior to this album. CV is a masterpiece IMO, beatuiful emotional music.


It's very mediocre... I listened to it for a few days, and then back to better music. Acceptable tracks: HTC, Frog Machine, Ratio Schamtio and Stretched.


Hi All,


I need some help!

I would like to download the lirics of this album. Do anybody know where can I find it? Or would somebody so kind to place it somewhere?

I cannot realy understand all of the lirics.





  • 3 weeks later...

Except for I'm the supevisor & Cities of the future an amazing album.

Infected Mushroom are still the foremost act where creativity & exploring new sounds are concerned.

Even today when Infected look back theres no one in sight, they are miles ahead of everyone.

  Punit said:

Except for I'm the supevisor & Cities of the future an amazing album.

Infected Mushroom are still the foremost act where creativity & exploring new sounds are concerned.

Even today when Infected look back theres no one in sight, they are miles ahead of everyone.


what?they are miles ahead of everyone?

hey guys i have news for you...this album is not exploring new sounds...it's crap...

have you heard of shpongle,celtic cross,dub trees,ott,infinity project,younger brother? that's exploring new sounds...

psytrance+lyrics=awesome but you have to be a real professional artist to combine them correctly...


Great album, the melodies are insane, the production flawless and

it´s true to Infected´s style, no matter what they say.


The only problem I have is with the singing, which totally ruins

some of the tracks, particularly 1 and 5.


The singing in converting Vegans was still alright, I even found

deeply disturbed quite catchy, but I´ve officially had enough.

Duvdev is one of the worst singers i´ve ever had the misfortune

of hearing. His voice, accent and lyrics are all fucking horrible.

On the next album he better STFU.


I think erez should drop duvdev from the group because he

just seems to screw things up.


Anyway its a bit of a double edged sword, the good parts on this

album are totally mind blowing and the bad parts are from hell.


But this will appeal to all who love melodic trance.

I´m an old fan of infected and this to me is their best album by

far, except of course the singing.





i´d give a 9 out of 10. 1 point lost purely because of duvdev´s vocal chords.


One of the world’s leading psy-acts of the 20th century, Infected Mushroom is out with their fifth studio album. This time with a much more playful Full-On sound than ever before... Amit Duvdevani and Erez Aizen are ready to give you new sounds and melodies with ‘IM The Supervisor’. They are following in their own footsteps that will be hard if not impossible to follow with a series of hugely successful albums; ‘The Gathering’ (1999), ‘Classical Mushroom’ (2000), ‘B.P. Empire’ (2001) and ‘Converting Vegetarians’ (2003). After the commercial success of their double-album ‘Converting Vegetarians’ a lot of trippers has been anxiously anticipating the fifth studio album, fearing that Infected Mushroom once in for all has lost their "magic mushroom" touch. And incidentally their last attempt, C.V. was considered to be a major disappointment by many hardcore fans throughout the world.....


First of all I would like to say that Infected are my favorite electronic musicians of all time because of nostalgic reasons and brilliant sounds delivered in the past. They are the main reason why I fell so much in love with the world of Psy-Trance many years ago. For me it all started in the year 2000 with a CDR filled with music from their time-honored albums ‘The Gathering’, ‘Classical Mushroom’ and a bag of ‘Mexican Mushrooms’. The world would never be the same for me...






Infected Mushroom - IM The Supervisor (YoYo Records/BNE Ltd.) 2004 (RESISTCD10)



Posted Image



1. IM the Supervisor

2. Ratio Shmatio

3. Muse Breaks RMX

4. Meduzz

5. Cities of the Future

6. Horus the Chorus

7. Frog Machine

8. Noon

9. Bombat

10. Stretched



1) The intro of ‘IM the supervisor’ kind of reminds me of an intro to some dark theatric rock show with creeping sounds, piano and a generally dark feeling. Then boom! The supervisor says; I'm the supervisor, can i get a taxi numbah’ and the initial creepy, ominous feeling of darkness is gone and replaced by treble moods and cartoonish vibes. It has a baseline that’s kind of bouncy and I can quickly hear what Infected are doing with this ,,filler” release. They are making Full-On party music for the younger or newer generation, floor-fillers for the dance crowd. The track itself isn't all that bad if you take your mind off that it’s very empty and Full-On driven. When the takeoff starts at 04:45 with the cool drum machine and the voice screaming; Dance with me, come on come. Dance with me!! You can’t help but get carried away by its playful nature. It isn’t a strong track but it’s a floor killer, the fun kind that doesn’t take itself serious at all, and with it leads the feeling of the party album provided IM, the supervisors...


2)Ratio Shmatio’ follows the main sound in 'Converting Vegetarians – CD1 - Trance Side’, baseline and everything else. It's got some great cute sounds and melodies at the start. Then it tries to break out by turning into a more melodramatic sound space. Again a Full-On track made for the dance floor with beautiful melodies that actually remind me of the good old Euro-Trance days of pre 98. Cheesy? Hell yes. But they get away with it because these are melodies only the emotions of Erez can provide.


3)Muse Breaks RMX’ is a remix of ‘J.views (Jonathan from 'Violet Vision) - Muse Breaks' with the lovely Michele Adamson singing. And if I'm not mistaken, Duvdev screaming obscene mating signals, or something strange. It’s a reggae-inspired track with a sweet melody coming and going. I'm sorry to say that I haven’t heard the original yet but I'll bet its better than this remix by Infected.


4)Meduzz’ is a strange track. It starts off with this mushroom-like bouncy beats and after a minute it’s back to the same flat and steady baseline as all the other tracks presented. And then the 'Blues Brothers' organ sound drops in and things start to become more interesting, but no revolution. ‘Meduzz’ is all about the build up and the guitar which got a great epic feel. But somehow there is still something missing because the production is fantastic as in the whole album, but where are the depths and the multiple layers? After a few listens it gets boring.


5) Cities of the Future’, what can one say? Before the album was released, their Label published this track as a taster to the album in question on a CDS. What a joke I thought it was. It sounded like a Trance track by Cher. I enjoyed Duvdev's voice tweaking in ‘Deeply Disturbed’ released on C.V. But this is too much, this makes the album sound like a Psy-Trance album for kids or something. Not one of my favorite tracks, not by a long shot. Violet Vision made a remix of it on the released CDS. That one also sounded strange, but at least VV managed to make it interesting sounding, just like they did with the remix of ‘Deeply Disturbed’ on its taster CDS for ‘Converting Vegetarians’.


6)Horus the Chorus’ follows in the footsteps of 'Ratio Shmatio' and it got a long build up, which I would appreciate if it wasn’t for its overall plastic feel. It has a super powerful melody that will take some breaths away. Too bad it stops there. If you got a DJ-Mixer I would suggest you to use it HARD to make the dead space with no cosmic intention go away.


7) Finally something complex and interesting, ‘Frog Machine’ has a feel like it

was a mix of the intro sounds of the title track 'Converting Vegetarians' on C.V. Full-On thumping baselines, Frogs on machine spirits, the name is suiting. It’s maybe one of the best tracks on the album with a great drive and good complex layers running around the beats. It for sure sticks out from the other tracks by being a tune with a whole new drive to it. And the thrilling atmospheres are covered in amazing climaxes. A great track indeed! It makes me want to lick a toad and trip out.


8) The shy track ‘Noon’ seems to be a very empty and boring track with littleinspiration. Although I think it is a floating track with no special melody or theme, yet many interesting sounds that helps it become complete. Not the best and it doesn’t stand out in your memory bank, but it’s a nice track that needs a few listens on proper speakers to be appreciated for its gifts.


9) Last Full-On track of the album, ‘Bombat’ has got some extremely nice synthesizer sounds. A strong epic drive and the sweet melodies are powerful and energetic to the max. But is that all the mushrooms can offer us in 2004, dance floor fillers with sugar sweet melodies wrapped in plastic? This is a track with many lift-ups and climaxes in the style that it provides. Club music, stadium, Arena music.. The crowd will love it to death.


10) If ‘Stretched’ is a new attempt to make a new “Dancing with Kadafi” track, they have a near success on their hands. I love the amazing guitar with the melodies and the playfulness. For an album that at times seems plain and almost half-hearted, this is a very nice ending indeed. But I’m sorry to say that all in all it gets tired and monotonies real fast. Sad.




Overall.. The album in general has a great clean club production and it seems like a logical but unwanted progression of the ‘Trance Side’ of their last full album ‘Converting Vegetarians’. It has the same baseline and same general feeling overall but yet more simple and sweeter on the tooth. This time they seem to have focused more on making great melodies that suits a wider candy raving crowd which unfortunately balances on the edge of cheese. When it comes to Infected’s more Full-On Beat-Centered albums, I definitely prefer and recommend the masterpiece ‘B.P. Empire’ which is MASSIVE. This album is great for what it is, a floor filler release that seems to be a pause album until they release their sixth album ‘Vicious Delicious’. This is simply put a gathering of club smashers that has been proven to work around the world while on tour infecting people. Perhaps Duvdev and Erez are trying to convert the world? If so, the next logical step for BNE should be to get some IM music produced for videos that could be launched MTV. Let’s see what their sixth studio album V.D. will have to offer on that aspect.

- watch out, the infection is spreading.



Where to buy and other links:

Infected Mushroom: http://www.infected-mushroom.com

Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/yoy/yoy1cd063.html

Play: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/5321850/I-...or/Product.html

Beatspace: http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=1590

Psytones Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic

  • 2 months later...

well, they certainly didnt live up to my expectations. I only like Horus The Chorus , and Frog Machine. I really HATE Cities of the future... especially that "run run run in the cities of the future" vocals... it's just so "whack"...

Also i liked some other tracks, e.g. Meduzz, but only in a few points of the track... some tracks start with a very nice psy style , infected-like style, and then they end up cheese ... psypop... :(


Infected Mushroom obviously changed their style radically ... why? appeal to another audience maybe? they knew that their album would sell anywayz, no matter what is was, just because of their name and their previous work...


A solid album that's one step closer to the radio. :( These guys have been doing pop sideprojects recently and I guess now they're bringing the "pop" into their tunes and aiming at a wider audience. ;) It's a matter of time before we see them on MTV.


Why couldn't they make a sideproject to go to the masses and let IM be psy.


Or they could make a new sideproject where they would make serious music.


Ps. I didn't buy this album, the samples were far too crappy. I downloaded it, but it's ok now, cause I deleted them. Blah. Much orse than CV trance side (which had like 3 or 4 tracks that I actually really enjoyed)

  • 1 month later...

imo ... IM is how i heard about psytrance...


it all started out one day .. by one of my friends playing dream theater ... and i ended up REALLY liking it.. (so different from the stuff i used to listen ... PVD , tiesto , Buuren ... )


then i checked some of their stuff before seing em live ... things like


-I Wish

-none of this is real

-Deeply disturbed


and they played few songs from their newest album ... then i bought this album (cuz i found them so amazing live)

but i never could like it as much as i did when i saw em live


so i started looking for more psy and discovered


-Juno Reactor



-Astral Projection





then a few months after... IM came back and pretty much only played songs from New album


it took me a while to actualy like LISTENING to these songs... but they are absolutely INSANE to dance on... bigger the sound system is... better it is!




NO ONE i actualy hang with listens to "techno" type music....

but i did force them to listen to a few songs from the newest album ( with is much more commercial than underground ) and they actualy liked them... and this was my key to kinda slowly bring ppl into this music.



they seem to be the step between haters and lovers to psytrance

i know most of you ppl will disagree.... but so far that s how i consider them.

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