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1. Enjoy 2004

2. Pothead

3. Synthetic Hoover

4. Crunchy smokers

5. Twinfreaks

6. Stoned rmx

7. Maximum velocity

8. Down in Negev

9. Innersphere


Crunchy Punch is a collaboration between Alien Project (one of THE artists who started the whole full-on wave) and Orion.

Well, there's one positive thing i can say about the album: the production is very good. But that's about it. Now I'm sorry if I sound a little harsh on this one, but not one single track stands out for me. This is pure dancefloor DJ disposable material. It will work good for the fist month on the dancefloor, then it'll stay in some DJ's case until he decides to seel it on eBay for 2 euros... personally I don't even consider it's worth that!


Down in Negev is a little better than the others, especially because of a mysterious synth line that comes throughout the track. However I wouldn't consider that track as memorable either...


Innershpere is the mandatory down-tempo closing tracks with vocoders! However it could sound good, depending on the context it's listened in.


Conclusion disposable full-on dancefloor material... only 2 above-average tracks and not even those are worth buying the CD IMO. 3/10



Lemmiwinks (aka moondancer from older psynews reviews)


Well, I will not agree with you here...


First of all I disagree about the production - it's not very good, because it's overpolished: I mean listen to this CD and then listen to something else. You'll immediatelly hear it has to much trebble and is very weak in bass - it sounds very sharp and bright. In fact it's so sharp, I simply can't listen to it with headphones, because my ears hurt!!!


To the music now: I think it's better than other AP projects (his own albums, latest album with Space Cat etc.), simply because Jean Borelli was involved. And if you know Orion, you'd probably know that he did much more stuff on this album than Ari - just listen to drums, acids and all those sounds in background. This album is worse than Orion's Artificial Frequencies (best CD of 2003 for me), but it's still good. As always with Orion's music there is not much melodies, because he concentrates more on patterns of sounds and this way creates "a flow" in his music. Best tracks in here are "Pothead" (wicked drums!!!), "Synthetic Hoover" (great buildups), "Twinfreaks" (great layering of acid-lines & vocoder), "Stoned rmx".


Must agree about the last track though: it's very much cliche-end-of-album-dub-track without anything interestiing in it.


7/10 is more suitable :)


well to each their own I guess... I confess that I have never listened to Orion's stuff so I can't comment on that. As for the production, it's that "sharpness" that I like to me it sounds "sharp" WITHOUT causing ear fatigue, but maybe this is due to the sound-setup? I only have a pair of crappy Sony MDR-CD280 phones (not really studio monitor quality...), but will get a Beyer DT990 sometime next week, I'll run it again through that and tell you my opinion :)

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