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Doofing Round the World


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Am planning a trip around the world next year and was wondering the best places for parties and how to find out about them..


At the moment I'm looking at going to:


Thailand (although NOT the full moon parties - yech)

South America (Argentina, Peru)

South Africa

Portugal and Spain



Any info would be greatly appreicated! :)

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Yeah the South Africa scene is BLaSTiNG! Great vibe and usually really nice energy on the floors.


Plus, great food, great ppl, great nature, great weather, great robberies..


All you could wish for :D Have phun!



Eek! Don't freak me out! I had this perception and my boyfriend (and some South Africans I know) have only just changed my mind about it! I'm happy to stay in the south of the country though.. I've heard most of the violence occurs around Jo'burg.

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