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chaos lab was an incredible album. everything since is pure recycled sugar-free bubble gum. but the reason they write so much @!#$ music is that people go bonkers for it every time. if they got pied in the face everytime they played, they might try a bit harder. (their production is excellent though.)

Guest clive frog

have a listen to the unreleased second remix of deedrah's reolad....it may change your feeble mind...

Guest stompie

unless u can make tunes anything like gms u have no idea what you're talking about - maybe their style is not for u - but dont go dissin them for it - they've made a life out of psychedelic trance - something that most of us wish we could do.


every act has their own style - are you telling me u can spot a logic bomb, skazi, or absolum track? (or most other artists for that matter) these guy have spen years mastering their style, and sure there are simillarities with some of their tracks, but its the minor details that i enjoy - a different experience in the same trip - and if u cant spot any then the rest of us must be forkin mad, or your ears are up to shitt


their sales of cds and concerts should be enough to to keep most people satisfied with their worth (if the music does'nt justify itself to u) - so quit the bitchin cos u dont like the food - just eat somethin else


hi stompie, not bitching at all, just telling the truth. and clive frog, my feeble mind is already made up from countless times seeing their live sets, and i don't need to hear yet another version of reload, thank you very much. i however recommend you take your feeble mind out of the oven for a moment and have a listen to the old chaos lab album, and then you might have an inkling about what i am talking about. but i doubt it.


ha ha ha ha ha i've just been reading to your opinions..... i've seen gms 5 times in my life and i when i listen to them i dont care a @!#$ if this is that or other track... or the production of who gives a @!#$ ... i just hurry up to ride my wave and go to surf for a couple of hours in some fucking place outter space or dig a few miles under the ground... the formula of... @!#$ of... cmon if you little people still have that lose way of think or analize musically some track... comon... that was the 20 century... GMS show us the future in every song... dont waste your time and worry if you dont know the name of the tune, or think if the melody bla bla bla. any way...

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