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Do hard fans of the minimal style listen from time to time to melodic stuff ? (aside from Psytrance e.g.)


A few words of explanation : when I read some reviews, it seems like there are some people who, as soon as they hear the slightest beginning of melodies, equate "melodies = cheese = sh*t".

OK, some melodies are very poor and mundane, especially to the ear of musicians. But is it impossible nowadays to find powerful melodies with innovative sonic manipulations ? I thought that was the gist of psytrance.


BTW, nothing to do with "melodic better than minimal" cliches or whatever...




Im a minimal/progressive fan and I listen to full on / goa sometimes but I cant stand it very long...

There is alot of melodies in minimal also, you just have to listen carefully =))


I love both as much.

Good melodies are the one found in Total Eclipse, Koxbox, Hallucinogen, GNOTR, Cosmosis... songs.


Well almost anything beside yahel, luminus and the likes.

Guest Protex Midget

Well, I am minimal fan, and I hardly ever listen to melodic stuff. Today even the Full-on psytrance isn't melodic. 3d Vision is a good example. They make full-on music but it's not very melodic. I can't think of one release this year which is truely melodic, and even if their are few (and i'm sure that someone will mention them), I can still say that melodic psytrance has passed from our world.


I love good minimal aswell as good melodic. And I also listen to alot of other music styles aswell.


I cannot stand minmal, I just distance to goa 10 and it made sick to here goa on the tile of such a bad cd. The first cd is ok, but pretty pathetic and the second mixed cd, After the first five songs I was nearly sick, it pissed me off hardcore to see goa associated with that stuff! Melodic is not dying, I have many compilations from the big series that still contain heaos of melodic trance, and the day that melodic dissapears is truly the day that trance dies. So much of that minial stuff sounds like what they play art all the biug raves, just repetitive nonsense done in little basemnets by some knob with a degree in audio engineering but has never played an instrument, like Atmos. Tkae a look at the melodic acts, they ususally all have some kind of proper musical education!


i love both i prefer minimal but i listen to melodic as well. i think people are doing a diservice to themselves and to the music to not listen to both. they each have something to offer. i really think its closedminded to say that minimal isnt goa just because its not what goa used to be. music evols and changes. its like saying mozart isnt clasical just because it doesnt sound like bethoven. granted mozart isnt the same style of clasical...but its still clasical just the same. i think that mike d up there hasnt really listend to minimal (that is not a personal attack mike d), especialy if hes going to say that atmos is a "knob"....who "never played an instrument" that statement is just silly.


ok, i know it is not personal so I am not angry. I treally don't enjoy minal though I have about 10 albums and a number of compilations, but I am beggining to enjoy some minimal, such as Snug As A Bug, Tarsis Productions (G-Lock), Beat Bizzare, M.O.S and a few more but not much... It just doiesn't glue with me, it isn't music I enjjopy ust listening to, it is fine to dance to at a party, but when I am at home I want pleaseant tunes and melodies not heavy repetitive stuff :)


see, thats what i mean.. i totatly respect that reply mike d. you do find some value in minimal. its good to see that. i have read a lot of your posts and you always seem so down on minimal, but if you like some of the minimal that you mentioned, isnt it possible that you will like more in the future? there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a preference. we all have preferences, if we didnt we wouldnt like anything at all. hell...sometimes.... im not in the mood for trance at all. sometimes i want to listen to frontline assembly get in a pit and beat the living hell out of poor unsuspecting kiddie moshers...thats not very goa like of me at all now is it? but hey....we all need variety. if you like pleasant melodies then by all means thats exactly what you should listen too. just realize that others like other stuff and let them have it without insults.


ya know...just like a lot of people here think minimal is boring and repetitive....a lot of people think goa and trance in general is boring and repetitive, it just doesnt jell with them. but we would all get pretty pissed off if someone who likes hip hop only started telling us that the music we listen to is crap...wouldnt we?


i like both styles with a preference to melodic/psy stuff


actually i think some minimal tracks are as strong as some pure full on tracks, but they dont occur as oftenly...examples : spirallianz - onewayltd, midimiliz - cream, tegma - satanic wars, tegma - quel cimetière, tegma - x-calibur, some auricular tracks, and more...

Guest amphitere

both are good. i think that minimal can have a certain "cool-mindblowing" feel that the melodic stuff cannot have, while at the same time there is a certain "magic" feel (to the old goa) that the minimal stuff will never have...

Guest Mescalinium

As a dj, I try to focus on material that's kind of "in between" the extemes of melodic and minimal (i.e. deeper stuff, like Vibrasphere, Atmos, Ticon, Human Blue, etc.). But there's also the fact that most of the current releases are what most people would call minimal, especially on vinyl. Therefore, the majority of the new music I buy is minimal. But, every once in a while there's a release that transcends these artificially constructed boundaries. I'm particularly thinking of the Ra album, which I think is amazing. This point aside, I think it really comes down to what the labels are putting out. Now I know it seems insipid to have music dictated to you by record labels, but the physical reality of what is available on vinyl necessitates it. So say I go to the record store and listen to 20 records. 15 of those are "minimal" and 5 are "melodic" (Yes, I'm oversimplifying here). Of the 5 "melodic" records, I only like 2. And of the 15 "minimal" records, I only like 6. So if I buy those 8 records, even after giving each style equal treatment, I end up with a 4/1 ratio of minimal records. In summary, I really do enjoy both styles, and buy/listen to whatever I strikes my fancy, but as long as more minimal stuff is released overall, I'll probably end up buying more minimal.

Guest Mescalinium

Man, I'm a fucking moron. The ratio in question above is actually 3:1. Sorry guys, liberal arts major here! ;)


thats a good point mescalinium. i would like to pose a question concerning that issue. first i need to set up the "assumptions" of my question, i fully realise that they are assumptions and will gladly accept any comments that disagree with them.


1. ok my first asumption is this: almost all the people buying this kind of music are people who listen to it on a regular basis and have some knowledge of it. i say this because goa is not (however we may all think it is) a major musical style. that is to say, its no where near as popular as rap or hip hop or (ugh) country, or rock or any oth the other stuff thats on mtv all day. it is a relativly small genre with a loyal following. thers no goa cds (maybe 3 or 4) in a virgin store or a coconuts or wherever regular people by mass pruduced music. its hard to find.

2. the labels are small. even the top 5 labels together in goa dont come close to even smaller labels in other genres (waxxtraxx for instance) let alone major labels like capital, columbia, or sony. goa labels are run by people who actualy listen to the music themselves...so they also have knowledge of it.

3. labels want to make money and stay in buisiness.....well duh.

4. labels put out what people buy. (not the other way around)


so with those in place it would seem to me that a lot of people who listen to goa are buying thse recordings...and its not because its what the label puts out...its the other way around. the labels put it out because it sells. and the people buying it arent just a bunch of dopes who will buy any old thing shoved in front of thier face, theyre people wo like goa already and activly seek out goa music (as we know..its hard to get). believe or not..most people have never heard of infected mushroom or simon posford. it seems strange to me that there are so many people speaking out against "minimal" and complaining that thats all thats available, and yet labels are making money off it and making more and more. why is that? because the people complaining are in the minority..as is usualy the case. the people who like "minimal" dont say anythig about it cuz they dont have to..theyre in the majority and things are looking good from thier point of view. im not trying to start a fight, or say anythoing about which is better....im just stating reasons why it seems there is so much more minimal being produec than melodic...its because that what people want to hear. if they didnt want to hear it, they wouldnt buy it and the labels would stop producing it..its simple buisness theory of supply and demand. the damand for minimal has gone up there fore the supply has gone up.


anyhoo...thats my theory..i dont claim its correct, but it does seem logical.


hehe...in case you missed it (cuz im a dope and got all caught up in my other train of thought) the question i was posing is -- why are there more minimal recordings being produced when it seems that people want more melodic stuff?


well i go for psychedelic technø , be it minimal or melodic ... its all good !


Maybe we should have a look at the evolution of the bands who "set the rules" of psytrance to figure out what's happening :


- Lots of them have a style of their own (Hallucinogen, X-Dream, Juno Reactor...) which can't be easily labeled IMO. hmm, well, that's a bit obvious...


- On the other hand, you find more melodic bands like Lanfranconi & Co., Mr. Dikovsky, Miranda or Infected Mushroom.


- Others are changing their style : Shakta or Total Eclipse, ex-Transwave.


- And the pioneers Astral Projection are considered by many to have sold out.


So, what's my point ? Well, I don't know yet... but that's a beginning anyway.



Guest vasyachkin

I like Source Unknown on one side and Astral Projection on the other. As well as stuff in between, and outside of psytrance.

Guest PuuhaMees

I want to buy a Morris Mini. I think its a cool car

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