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Guest djnemo

I was wondering what kind of Midi Sequencer people here at the board are using. I use Cubase SX 2, and I feel that it is very untight. I have a M-Audio midisport 2x2 for midi.


I use a M-Audio Firewire 410 Audiocard, since its firewire and I only produce on the laptop.


I am thinking of switching over to another sequencer, and leave Cubase behind once and for all.


What do you people use? Any sequencer that you prefer? I need to use Midi, not audio, that is not important (Well, I use audio too, but there are always workarounds).


I used Logic Audio for a very long time, but since they stopped developing for PC, I have left it totally. I wish there was one out there that was as tight as that. And yes I know, I should get myself a MAC, but that is not in the budget just yet ;)


I use an Akai MPC2000. It has a very simple sequencer wich i like and it triggers internal samples without any delay so it's 100% tight for drums and wathever i use samples for.


I was wondering what kind of Midi Sequencer people here at the board are using. I use Cubase SX 2, and I feel that it is very untight. I have a M-Audio midisport 2x2 for midi.


I use a M-Audio Firewire 410 Audiocard, since its firewire and I only produce on the laptop.


I am thinking of switching over to another sequencer, and leave Cubase behind once and for all.


What do you people use? Any sequencer that you prefer? I need to use Midi, not audio, that is not important (Well, I use audio too, but there are always workarounds).


I used Logic Audio for a very long time, but since they stopped developing for PC, I have left it totally. I wish there was one out there that was as tight as that. And yes I know, I should get myself a MAC, but that is not in the budget just yet ;)




Well,in my opinion you have 2 logical choices,maybe 3 if you like the third one.


Sonar 4 (released last week) and greatly improved

Ableton 4 ( now with midi support ) not my first choice for a sequencer

Orion Platinum 5.5


i would stick for Sonar. but since i use Sx and i'm happy with it ...Shrug ...

Guest djnemo

Well,in my opinion you have 2 logical choices,maybe 3 if you like the third one.


Sonar 4 (released last week) and greatly improved

Ableton 4 ( now with midi support ) not my first choice for a sequencer

Orion Platinum 5.5


i would stick for Sonar. but since i use Sx and i'm happy with it ...Shrug ...


I was thinking about Live actually, since I have read a lot about the midi implementation, and that it seems to be tight. Which version of SX are you using, 2? I dont get midi to sound tight in that. I have to sample everything that I do, then use audio instead... and that is soemthing that I dont want to do, since I plan on playing this stuff live.


I have absolutely no problem with lag in midi using Cubase SX 2 (or anything since VST 5 really) so I suspect that your problem is probably due to something configuration-wise rather than an inherent problem with Cubase itself. If you are using less than legal versions of SX, than all bets are off on how stable the program is of course, but I legally own my copy and it works fine. I also own Ableton Live and its a great little sequencer I use for all my live work, but I have yet to use it for actually writting music and can't really see myself considering it for that use in the near future either



i use fruity studio 4.51 and no problems with midi , i dont even use a midi controller for my productions , the only midi controller i use is the QWERTY keyboard and the mouse hehe.

Take care ,

Filipe. :)

Guest djnemo


i use fruity studio 4.51 and no problems with midi , i dont even use a midi controller for my productions , the only midi controller i use is the QWERTY keyboard and the mouse hehe.

Take care ,

Filipe. :)


Ok, I was talking about having synths in my studio. I dont have any problems what so ever if I am using only audio in any of the programs, its the midi sync that is the problem.

I am using FL Studio 4.5.1 to do all my basic Midi sequencing, then I export the midi sequences and import them into AbletonLive 4.0 where I record the Midi sequences as Audio tracks and then put effects on them and rearrange slightly to get out of the 'grid'..


I think if you are going to play live, and you want to make each song different, use Live for all your main sequencing...

Guest djnemo

I am using FL Studio 4.5.1 to do all my basic Midi sequencing, then I export the midi sequences and import them into AbletonLive 4.0 where I record the Midi sequences as Audio tracks and then put effects on them and rearrange slightly to get out of the 'grid'..


I think if you are going to play live, and you want to make each song different, use Live for all your main sequencing...


Yeah, live seems to be the solution for that. I dont want to touch the virus though, I dont want to export that to audio. I have done that in the past, and a live that you cant tweak, or tweaking it as audio is not as good sounding. I need a tight and stable midi sequencer, for live recording so to say, not just for live use. The problem is that the sync is not good enough.


Now, I am not talking about Audio/Midi sync, its the Midi/Midi sync. Virus > Drum Machine for instance. Audio to Midi is not good either though.


I run a P4 2.66 512 MB Ram

Firewire 410 Audio

Midisport 2x2 Midi interface.


So I dont think that my setup is not "powerful" enough to do what I want to do. I am not talking heaps and loads of Audio or Midi either. Just one drum pattern and one bassline gets out of sync. This is really annoying.


Damn, I wish I had the money to get a MAC, had enough of PC's...


I am using FL Studio 4.5.1 to do all my basic Midi sequencing, then I export the midi sequences and import them into AbletonLive 4.0 where I record the Midi sequences as Audio tracks and then put effects on them and rearrange slightly to get out of the 'grid'..


I think if you are going to play live, and you want to make each song different, use Live for all your main sequencing...


i also use flstudio on my live acts... :)

Hey nemo,


I reckon Live would be best for you because its really good for recording midi patterns live and changing the song on the fly


your specs seem a lil weak, but midi is just a *tiny* lil bit of info so i see no reason why a computer that can do x million operations per second has probs with such a small bit of info like midi; where as the 20 year old atari se's are rock solid. weird huh?


I had the same prob on my old setup (pc, celeron 800, 513mb ram, sb live card with front panel) I recently got an Audiophile 2496, which keeps my bass station, ms2000 and sh-101 tight as a motherfucker...


i think maybe an upgrade is due? got any large sums of cash you forgot about? :rolleyes:


Good luck. Its a long and frustrating road. I evetually made it and found Live and, wow.

Guest djnemo

Hey nemo,


I reckon Live would be best for you because its really good for recording midi patterns live and changing the song on the fly


your specs seem a lil weak, but midi is just a *tiny* lil bit of info so i see no reason why a computer that can do x million operations per second has probs with such a small bit of info like midi; where as the 20 year old atari se's are rock solid. weird huh?


I had the same prob on my old setup (pc, celeron 800, 513mb ram, sb live card with front panel) I recently got an Audiophile 2496, which keeps my bass station, ms2000 and sh-101 tight as a motherfucker...


i think maybe an upgrade is due? got any large sums of cash you forgot about? :rolleyes:


Good luck. Its a long and frustrating road. I evetually made it and found Live and, wow.


Frek, I am sorry to say, but I have made midi music since the atari was around, and I have had way more stable systems with even less CPU and RAM. Even with a SBLive card that I had for years gave me better audio/midi sync than the setup that I have now.


I dont think that I SHOULD have a problem with my setup really do you? What do I need to have to have a good setup? A 64bit computer with 4 gig of RAM?


If you look at the specs that they recommend at Steinberg for SX2, the are way below what I am having.


Processor Pentium / Athlon 800 MHz (Pentium / Athlon 1.4 GHz or faster recommended)

RAM 384 MB (512 MB recommended)

Operating System Windows 2000, Windows XP Home or XP Professional

Sound Card Windows MME compatible audio hardware (ASIO compatible sound card recommended)

Other USB component connector required, Display Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels (Display Resolution 1152 x 864 pixels, dual monitor setup recommended)



Even still for SX3 The recommended clockrate is just a little bit above.


In my opinion they have had Midi problems since the start of Midi for PC and Cubase.... well thats not entirely true, because before the Audio came for the PC there was no problems what so ever.


Yeah, I am thinking that LIVE is THE solution for me as well, since I played around with it and midi is tight like hell from that application. I had about 30 loops playing, 10 midi tracks playing, and there was no glitches at all.


Well, that just proved to me that Cubase cant handle midi (Still cant I should say no?). Why should I have to spend another 2000 euros on a computer, when I spend 2000 euros about half a year ago on this setup?! Im not flaming you Frek, I am just wondering how much does music have to cost me? I am supposed to Enjoy and make music, not sit here, spend loads of money on Hardware and still I have problems.


I am sorry, but I am tired of spending money on this studio of mine, specially since I do this as a hobby, starting up my new record label will cost me enough already hehe.


Frek, what are your specs for your computer?


Hey i agree all the way.. Why should you have to spend $$$ to keep up software sequencers? it doesnt make sense..


I have very little experience with Cubase, but i know that a lot of people who have used cubase have switched to either Sonar or Logic for midi work, and just use Cubase to master audio.. My old specs kept one midi instrument in sync with Fruityloops barely. SB Live has no ASIO drivers, which make working with Midi almost impossible..


I upgraded about 2 months ago and got myself

P4 3g, 1Gb Ram, 80G hard drive, Audiophile 2496 running on Windows XP Professional


When using FLoops, for example, I need to have the master midi synced to the Audiophile Midi, otherwise bits fall behind sometimes (similar to your basslines falling out of time towards the end)..


Also, are you daisy chaining your midi in/outs? I know you have a midi sport, but if you have more than 2 synths in one chain, then you may have syncing problems no matter what your specs are.. know what i mean?


like i have my soundcard midi OUT going into my bass station IN. my bass station THRU goes to my MS2k IN, as well as using my bass station CV/GATE OUT into my 101 CV/GATE IN's...


hmmm.... i dunno how i can help you. i hope some of what i said might help.. otherwise when i get pissed off that nothing is working, i just reformat my computer and reinstall everything (although i usually lose a lot of files)


Anywayz Good Luck again, all the best

Guest djnemo

Ok. I did some research on the net and did some troubleshooting of my soundcard/midcard etc. And I found some pretty nice information about midi and latency. I recommend that everyone reads this:




Basically what worked for me was to move the ignoreportfilter file into the cubase main dir. The file that I am talking about is here:


C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SX\MIDI Port Enabler


The file I then moved to:


C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SX


Then chose to use the non emulated midi drivers. If you chose NOT to read the page that I pasted above (for some reason) here it was it said about the procedure I just described.


"Nuendo keeps a zero-length file called ignoreportfilter in the directory C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SX\MIDI Port Enabler. Using Windows Explorer, you can drag this file up one level to the Cubase directory, restart Cubase, and you will now see both the emulated and non-emulated ports. In my experience, you nearly always want the non-emulated ports; you should go into Device Setup and set “Show” to “No” for the emulated DirectMusic ports so that you don’t accidentally use them."


But I will STRONGLY recommend to read ALL that homepage, I have bookmarked it, and I have also sent an email to this genius. Thanks to him I can now make music with more than one channel in MIDI! Nice one indeed.


Frek, looks like I dont have to buy a new pooter, pheeew, now I can maybe get one of the other things on my wishlist!! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

i dont get it


if logic was good for you

it worked, you were comfortable, and it sounded tight

why leave it just ebcause they stopped developing it?

Because of features? Fetures dont do you good if you don't like the program.


I use Logic 5.3

ya im upset its all mac

but i'm not gonna switch just because of that.


i dont get it


if logic was good for you

it worked, you were comfortable, and it sounded tight

why leave it just ebcause they stopped developing it?

Because of features? Fetures dont do you good if you don't like the program.


I use Logic 5.3

ya im upset its all mac

but i'm not gonna switch just because of that.


Ok, for me music makin is also to move forward and discover new techniques, and I think that with Logic, I will be stuck.


That and the fact that I dont want to support a company that are not going to develop for PC anymore.


If I had a mac, was using cubase, and Steinberg said, "you know what people, fuck MAC people...", then I would for sure never ever use that program again.


If they can boycot an entire scene, then I can boycot their product, until I am in that scene (Getting a Mac).


Oh and sorry, I didnt mention that I had problems with Audio and my new soundcard under logic? That was also one of the factors, that I had to leave it behind. See, the problem is that if I buy new products that were developed AFTER logic stopped developing Logic for PC, the chances that I will have compability problems are pretty big (Well, already did experience, so point made no?).


Maybe I should have gotten myself a MOTU card instead, then I would probably still be using Logic.....


Setting aside your logic technical problems,

boycotting a company just hits you as a boomerang.

You are not using the program you would be most comfortable with just because they stopped developing for your platform.


Moving forward? With all due respect, logic and cubase and all the rest are just sequencers. You wanna move forward? Get better with synths, better with sampling, learn new software modulars etc etc.


|Oh and sorry, I didnt mention that I had problems with Audio and my new soundcard under logic? That was also one of the factors, that I had to leave it behind. See, the problem is that if I buy new products that were developed AFTER logic stopped developing Logic for PC, the chances that I will have compability problems are pretty big (Well, already did experience, so point made no?).|


^ thats a load of bull. there has been nothing new since then. vst is still the same protocol as is dx.


IMO - you are just bieng stubborn and it comes back against you.


You are not using the program you would be most comfortable with just because they stopped developing for your platform.

Yes that is true. You got that one right.


Moving forward? With all due respect, logic and cubase and all the rest are just sequencers. You wanna move forward? Get better with synths, better with sampling, learn new software modulars etc etc.

Sorry, but do you know me? Do you actually sense my knowledge, and how I work? Do you know at what technical level I am? Im sorry, but I have been doing this for over 10 years now, and I love doing what I do. I am very passionate with everything that I do, and I spend a lot of time with adding to my knowledge. I spend most of my time trying out new things, evaluating software and hardware. That is in fact my job...


I feel very disrespected the way you wrote that, maybe you meant to give me good advice, but failed to form the sentence right?


|Oh and sorry, I didnt mention that I had problems with Audio and my new soundcard under logic? That was also one of the factors, that I had to leave it behind. See, the problem is that if I buy new products that were developed AFTER logic stopped developing Logic for PC, the chances that I will have compability problems are pretty big (Well, already did experience, so point made no?).|


^ thats a load of bull. there has been nothing new since then. vst is still the same protocol as is dx.

Well, vst and dx might have stayed the same, but hardware changes, Drivers change. Maybe in the next OS version of Windows, you cant even run Logic anymore.


Your version of Logic was made in what, 2002? My version that I have was on the market 2003 (I think march or april). And the soundcard I have was on the market I think March 2004. The soundcard that I am using has its own ASIO drivers, and they just dont want to work properly on my system with Logic. Period


IMO - you are just bieng stubborn and it comes back against you.

Stubborn enough to try and fix my Logic problems for 4 weeks straight, trying many many things.


IMO you are very negative, and not helpful at all. You are not even TRYING to get to the root of my problem, but only to complain about my choice of Sequencer. You even dare to question my knowledge about things. Try to be more helpful the next time, Like the other people here seem to be.


I have fixed my Cubase problems, and it works very fine now, thanks for your constructive help though!



look i may have come on too strong and i apologise.

When I said "you wanna move forwarD" i wasn't saying anythign about your personal skill, all I ment was a sequencer change is not a "move forwad" in my opinion. A sequencer should provide you with the environment in wich to work in, with great sound quality, timing and precision - and here, logic in any version has a clear edge over cubase. A good sequencer doesnt mean a all-in-one hybrid monster like SX is becoming. As I see it, moving forward is like I said, getting better in the actual art of producing (again without any relation to you personally or your current level).

If you got a new soundcard that won't work with logic then ya, thats a problem eheh :D

I bought a new pc 3 months ago. Running Logic 5.3 on creamware scope. Eevrything is smooth and cutting edge.

Saying Logic might not work with next windows version is like saying my current PCI soundcard wont work when PCIs die. Its true of course, anything and everythign ebcomes obselete, but it ain't dead yet.

If not Logic, then I would say samplitude.

Hope you find this post a little less ofensive:)


If not Logic, then I would say samplitude.

Hope you find this post a little less ofensive:)


Hmm samplitude you say. I looked a little bit around and it looks pretty ok, but since Cubase is working great now, I dont want to mess with my system. I will maybe install it on another partition as soon as I get my hands on it (A friend works in a music store, and can give me software to try out every now and then).


Yes your last post was very non offensive, and it gave me ideas! I hope I didnt offend you with my defence, because the last thing on earth I want, is to make anyone offended.


Is there ReWire support in Samplitude?


hmmm im not sure 100%

I have not tried the new version yet but it is generating quite a hype and "wows" from people. Its on my to do list to check it out.

Alos, im not ofended, and im happy you are not either :D


Hey, by the way, I was at your homepage the other day and I found that you have mp3's there. Tell me more about your label, and who of the artists is you? Is there anything to download from you?


hmmm well

I have pretty much stopped makign anything resembling trance music, though I still follow enjoy psy.

I produced suomi/tech style music under faxinadu for a while.

I now produce aventgarde as Elmooht mainly, and some freestyle fusion as Cider Groove.


Cider Groove sounds like this:

Cider Groove - Earth Has Changed

Cider Groove - Epitaph



Elmooht - Dead Jungle

Elmooht - Glorious Free Fall

Vesica Piscis Remixed by Elmooht - Cathedral Rite


Faxi Nadu:



From my experiance, trance people don't really like my music, but feel free to try :D


I was wondering what kind of Midi Sequencer people here at the board are using. I use Cubase SX 2, and I feel that it is very untight. I have a M-Audio midisport 2x2 for midi.


I use a M-Audio Firewire 410 Audiocard, since its firewire and I only produce on the laptop.


I am thinking of switching over to another sequencer, and leave Cubase behind once and for all.


What do you people use? Any sequencer that you prefer? I need to use Midi, not audio, that is not important (Well, I use audio too, but there are always workarounds).


I used Logic Audio for a very long time, but since they stopped developing for PC, I have left it totally. I wish there was one out there that was as tight as that. And yes I know, I should get myself a MAC, but that is not in the budget just yet ;)


try Reason or FLstudio , they´re simple , fast , easy to use and have an awesome sound quality. FL Studio is good to audio tracks too until Reason dont. Reason´s only a full MIDI program. :)

try Reason or FLstudio , they´re simple , fast , easy to use and have an awesome sound quality. FL Studio is good to audio tracks too until Reason dont. Reason´s only a full MIDI program. :)


Hi Amithaba :) But in both of them I cant program my synths and drummachines in (Hardware). I already do use Reason, I like the sampler and the Drummachine in it. That is why was looking for something that I can use rewire in, something that is stable. But I already solved my problem with the midi timing, it was just a matter of moving a file to another location, and now it sounds very tight. :) Thanks for the tip anyways, though.

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