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just wondering if and how you guys get about overseas, I am from Australia about half way up the east coast, the temperature here does not vary that much so we can doof for most of the year around. Also the doofs here are quite well publicised if you know where to look of course, but how do other cultures (i.e in europe deal with weather in winter etc...) do you guys still brave the really freezing weather or do you just progress inside, please pardon my ignorance i am just trying to get a perspective on what makes people doof, and why we go to such great lengths to do what we do.

thanks :D


what makes me doof? Well, I guess it would be the feel of the wind, that cool night air circulating through your lungs, the sight of vegetation and the stars as you listen to your favorite tunes blasting across the landscape. And drugs. you gotta have the drugs. haha :)


Unfortunately it gets quite cold quite fast over here so only narrow time frame affords us in which we're able to hold such gatherings. Hence, no endemic term for 'outdoor parties' here as you guys do down under. In fact, a really good outdoor party is kind of rare and we're relegated mostly to holding parties indoors.


Living in a metropolis, it's not actually a bad thing since we're liable to getting busted by cops stemming from noise complaints and (sometimes) lack of permits.

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