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Recommend to me.


Chilled psy stuff I already have:


MOTY 1 & 2

Infinity project - Mystical Experiences

Celtic Cross - Hicksville

Ott - Blumenkraft

Both Shpongle albums.


heh...u don't got much... :P

okay okay...what should I recommend? hmmm :)

you could try astralasia, shulman, dub trees, children of the bong and bola

those work for me at least ;)


abakus, aes dana, aluna, asura, ott, carbon b. lifeforms, celtic cross, shulman, entheogenic, galaxy, gift culture, huva network, makyo, hi fi companions, ooze, optica, son of the light, the inifinity project, waterjuice, younger brother....


compilations I like...


- chillosophy 1,2,3

- chillum ultimate tribal ambient 1,2,3

- fahrenheit project 1,2,3...

- the mystery of the yeti I en II

- mashed mellow grooves...

- another life

- butterfly dawn

- psychedelic chillout volume 1,2...

- ....


it's off course not all like sphongle best cause sphongle is one of a kind but all psychedelic ambient for real...


enjoy ;)


Well i think "psy" projects never knew how to make good chilled stuff,

Some of my favorites:

-Future Sound of London-Lifeforms(masterpiece)

-Boards of Canada-Music Has the Right to Children

-Xingu Hill-Maps of the Impossible



-Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works 85-92


-Pan Sonic-Aaltopiiri :blink:


Future Sound Of London - Dead Cities

The Orb - Orbus Terrarum

Synaesthesia - Desideratum

Delerium - Spheres 1 & 2

Monolake - Mementum

Journeyman - Mama 6

Synaesthesia - Ephemeral


Those ones were pure ambient el;ectronic music, now there are amient trance artists :


Shulman - In Search of Meaningful Moment

Entheogenic - Spontaneous Illumination

Bluetech - Elementary Particles And Prima Materia

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydrophonic Garden

Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station

Aes Dana - Memory Shell

Entheogenic - Entheogenic

H.U.V.A. Network


and more but those ones are very good...


Those Enth albums seem intresting... but come on, Aes Dana is mediocre. :P


Also - a question: I've heard a couple of Shulman tracks, and it seriously sounds like he's ripping Shpongle off. Similar drum patterns, similar flutes, similar everything. Not to mention the names... Shulman and Shpongle. Rather alike.


Is there any truth to this?


"Well i think "psy" projects never knew how to make good chilled stuff,"




imo, you're not right.. Vibrasphere kick ass, both in psytrance and in chill...


now shut up


(hahaha kidding)



recomendations: Abakus, Kukan Dub Lagan, hallucinogen in dub, androcell, gaudi and a few more =)


Shulman - Soundscapes and modern tales

The Orb - Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld

The Orb - U.F.Orb

Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92

The KLF - Chill-out

Klaus Schulze - Mirage

Klaus Schulze - Timewind

Future Sound of London - Dead Cities

Solar Quest - Orgisms

Angel Tears - Angel Tears vol. 3

Nodens Ictus - Spacelines

Twilight Circus Dub Sound System - Dub Voyage

Twilight Circus Dub Sound System - Other World of Dub

Woob - Em.T 1194

Sasha - Airdrawndagger



Oh, and Shulman is NOT ripping off Shpongle. He made the tracks in "Soundscapes and modern tales" BEFORE "Are you Shpongled" was released if I remember correctly. And is Shpongle really so innocent then, considering how large sections they actually take from various sample-CD's? Future Sound of London and The Orb are WAY better of utilizing various samples IMO. Also, The KLF's "Chill-out" and Woob - Em.T 1194 are prime examples of how samples should be used.


yes shpongle is definetly not innocent but its the most popular i think.. and the new shulman album just sounds like every idea there is tries to sound like shpongle.. or other chill out project of sposford .. could be im wrong and this is only my opinion but i cant help it


maybe shulman's name is shulman cos the artist's name is yaniv shulman? well on the second album there's also that other guy.. omri something if i remember correctly.. anyways i don't think shulman is too similar to shpongle.. really different actually


KLF for sure and APHEX TWIN.



The Orb - live m a s t e r p i e c e


Various - Ecliptic

the compilation by Tsuyoshi

and definately the ambient cds by Retun To The Source team.


Future Sound of London and The Orb are WAY better of utilizing various samples IMO. Also, The KLF's "Chill-out" and Woob - Em.T 1194 are prime examples of how samples should be used.


This is just a matter of opinions, and thus your is as right as mine. BUT I SURE AS HELL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU THINK! ;)


Oh, and Shulman is NOT ripping off Shpongle. He made the tracks in "Soundscapes and modern tales" BEFORE "Are you Shpongled" was released if I remember correctly.

Really? 'Soundscapes and modern tales' was released in 2002, and 'Are you Shpongled' in 1998, four years earlier... Did Shulman produce these tracks before 1998 anyway?? Sounds odd....


But anyway, good tips that needs to be mentioned. Guys like F.S.O.L, The Orb and KLF (in the beginning Alex 'Orb' Paterson and Jimmy Cauty from KLF formed The Orb) , among others, have produced Hi-Quality electronica since 1980's.. Strange they don't seem to have taken more people under influence in the psy-culture.

I mean: Shpongle is good, but when there's only Shpongle here, Shpongle there, Shpongle everywhere... someone needs open the window and check out the world outside.

Guest The Journey Man Project

haha shulman ripped of Posford? That is a fucking joke... there is such a massive difference between the two, obviously you have very little undertsanding of music if you cannot see it... the entire compostion of the tracks is different... if anyone is ripping off Shpongle it is Entheogenic and they even say so in the cover of their first album! Hang on, if wher on this topic, every damn artists on the chemical rips each other off coz they all sounds the same, as well as most other trance full on shit as they all clone GMS... those who say Shulman rips off Shpongle are just really dumb and have little knowledge of music composotion and ideas, open your mind and study some music before you make unsubstantiated claims


doooont by entheogenic : it is so bad !!

by shulman ...shulman is so a good shpongle like ..


very veryy goude!


KLF for sure and APHEX TWIN.



The  Orb - live  m a s t e r p i e c e


Various - Ecliptic

the compilation by Tsuyoshi

and definately the ambient cds by Retun To The Source team.



I so totally agree with you:


Orb - Live 93


Is probably a very understimated masterpiece. All of his greatest tracks are on that cd and it's really well mixed. This is a must and is equal to Shpongle but very different and a lot more ambiant.


haha shulman ripped of Posford? That is a fucking joke... there is such a massive difference between the two, obviously you have very little undertsanding of music if you cannot see it... the entire compostion of the tracks is different... if anyone is ripping off Shpongle it is Entheogenic and they even say so in the cover of their first album! Hang on, if wher on this topic, every damn artists on the chemical rips each other off coz they all sounds the same, as well as most other trance full on shit as they all clone GMS... those who say Shulman rips off Shpongle are just really dumb and have little knowledge of music composotion and ideas, open your mind and study some music before you make unsubstantiated claims

now dont be so upset i said its only my opinion .. what does studying music have to do with it btw ? .. or maybe you are dumb if you cant hear it ? :P


This is just getting ridiculous. OK, there is other stuff than Shpongle. But they are still the best. ;)


Anyway, the Orb never did it for me. The KLF I haven't listened to. Yet.


haha shulman ripped of Posford? That is a fucking joke... there is such a massive difference between the two, obviously you have very little undertsanding of music if you cannot see it... the entire compostion of the tracks is different... if anyone is ripping off Shpongle it is Entheogenic and they even say so in the cover of their first album! Hang on, if wher on this topic, every damn artists on the chemical rips each other off coz they all sounds the same, as well as most other trance full on shit as they all clone GMS... those who say Shulman rips off Shpongle are just really dumb and have little knowledge of music composotion and ideas, open your mind and study some music before you make unsubstantiated claims


I agree, Towelie is a whining kiddo who doesn't really know shit :)

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