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Hi , within the next couple of months I will partialy have my dream fullfilled , having a good deal of cash to spend on a studio .

I am very confused on how I should approach this.

Already I have planned to go to the music store and enquire about some products and get some advise . And then I plan to go on the internet and order a great deal of the equipment to save money .

But from here im completely lost ...

Ok .. the thing is I will have around 12000 Euro to spend on a small but functional studio ( and planned release .. should be enough to cover both :)


From the beginning . I was planning to change into some Macintosh g5 and logic 7

( currently using pc and cubase for more than 3 years.. is it possible to match the power of the g5 and logic 7 .. with normal Pentium power ? )


Secondly I need some equipment , at the moment I have

waveterminal 192 l soundcard

Egosys Near05 studio monitors

Novation Remote 25 midi Key and controll


and I have a nord rack 2 and a virus b


I figured


better Soundcard


better Speakers


maybe a New synth ( but for this I have alot of inspiration :)


and some fx's section

and maybe mixer


And with these two things I am in doubt .. should I go for software or hardware ..

Personally I would choose software if I could get the same or more as out of hardware .. but I dont know this .

Should I choose a soundcard with Dsp


So if u guys have any knowledge that could help me to zoom in on what a good studio setup could like , I would be VERY happy


when i was reading your message i was thinking, he has to buy a virus , well you have the B one but i recommend to try the C .

audiocard i recommend a MOTU, no doubt , pure power

speakers , there is a whole world to explore in that field but if you can afford ( and you can ) i would buy MACKIE.

i dont know for the rest of the people but for me a mixer is really important , i can recommend you a mackie too or yamaha 01v96

refer to FX , well i have a TC electronic M300 (too basic) and sounds good but i almost always use plugins for that. i heard that tc powercore or something like that is good (DSP fx not use CPU) and also try TC m-one.

well finally i dont know very well how works a MAC i have pc 2.6 with 1gb ram and is very smooth. and i have a friend with a powerbook g4 1.2gb ram and have problems(im sure is his configuration because MAC is like and airplane).

also he has problem with vst´s and freeware plugins.


thats all i can say but if you buy all this........ :D

you will have my dream.... :rolleyes:


I personally dislike working woth a mixer without recall and flexible EQ.

Digital mixers though, which you have to go for if you want a mixer with those capabilities, are not so great i think. The whole setup becomes a bit akward to me with a digitail mixer involved.

Using a DSP solution you reacall it all from the computer. With a digital mixer you have to store your presets there, and sysex them over if you want to store them with the song.

The converters is not so high class in budget digital consoles, and if you like many record your hardware to hard disk, then you really don't need so many converters.

The compressors and EQ is of a very low standard in the digital desks i tried as well.


If you want top notch production, but is willing to work a bit different, then a DSP solution is for sure the best.

Look a bit at the UAD-1, Pulsar and Powercore and see wich one fit's you best.

The UAD-1 have very high quality compressors, eq and reverb.

The pulsar great synths, flexible routing and some great compressor, eq and reverb if you get the sonic timeworks stuff for it.

Synths for pulsar that is worth looking in to spending cash on as well is Zarg stuff and Flexor for the modular.

Powercore give you the TC effects of course and there is a virus for it.



A small but good submixer to input hardware for recording and maybe a channel strip.

I have a focusrite tonemaster which i was very happy with when i still was using it.

Nowadays i can't really be asked to integrate hardware in the setup at all myself, so it's been in the cupboard for years :)


On top of what the cards offer you might need to get some decent converters if you want to record hardware.

I would probably go for a really quality stereo unit like Apogee make instead of having many I/O.

But for only recording the virus i would not bother.

The converters on that is not much better than the converters that comes with the DSP cards, and it's wont sound better because you have a good converter to record it.

Maybe if you get a real analog synth though.


In the end DSP solutions is the best bang for the buck.

Some people can't get on with the idea of having everything inside the computer, but for my way of working it's just great.

No moving about here and there to reach stuff, no little fiddly displays and most of all totall recall of a whole song without the hassle of trying to get sounddiver to actually work.

With a decent controller unit you shopuld be able to make a setup which is quite hands on to work with as well.


Monitorbrands that i can recommend for trance is tannoy, dynaudio and genelec.


Thanks for the answer BrainImpulse

Damn , just wrote a bunch , and my sister came in and had to burn a cd :( .. and Pooooof :o

Ok ...

tc powercore , cool .. thinking the same

Motu .. also thinking the same

speakers .. i heard dynaudio and adams should be good (spending around 2500-3000 on speaks) ..tell me about mackie :)

And for mixer .. can a software solution cover the same things as hardware .. if i get a controller .. cuz .. i realy want to keep all things "internal" (except for synths).. ?

For synths :) .. i was thinking Virus Ti .. and maybe used Nord lead 3 .. has a diff engine than 2 i heard..so Id also like that :)

gonna end now before my sis comes back :)


Hey there, I have a Virus C, and I love it. But get the Virus TI instead. http://www.access-music.de/ it will be able to do everything the C can do, but even more.


You might wanna go for a mixer as well. I am getting a Yamaha MG24/4 now. I would get that G5, my mate has one and he loves it. That and Logic 7 can get you very far. The softsynths and efx in that are very nice.


For the speakers I will not give you advice. Go to your local shop and bring your own cds, test diffrent ones for your kind of music. If you get Genelec speakers, you should get that subwoofer as well, but do not get the Genelec one. The Samson subwoofer is just as good for it....


More than that, be wise with your money! Motu is a good brand by the way. If you get a mixer, make sure you spend that extra euro on the cables that you choose. Make sure you get balanced ones for your soundcard.


Thats all from me I guess :)


Thanks for the help :)

I think i will pursue a total Software setup ( with some small phsyical mixer to take care of my small needs ) ..


Pheeew still have some decsions to make ..

but i guess i could be making worse decisions than these :)


related to the speakers i am agree with djnemo you have to try with your favorite cds,but of course genelec is the best, if you can afford

but also go to a shop and ask for both genelec and mackie

well i have to events tr8 and is nice for me

and also agree, take the virus TI (expensive but have to be amazing) :D


well finally i dont know very well how works a MAC i have pc 2.6 with 1gb ram and is very smooth. and i have a friend with a powerbook g4 1.2gb ram and have


Hehehe, just to comment on that. I bet that your friend is trying to run Cubase SX2.x on his MAC no? Cubase has a lot of problems with that version on both MAC and PC. I fixed my problems on the PC somewhat actually, but thats another thread.


Logic Audio 7 works great for my mate with a G4. Cubase has problems with midi and vsti's on the same workstation.


Personally I would go for a G5 and Logic 7, which is going to be my next purchase (I hope), but first I have to release some music before I get into buying more stuff.



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