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the lotus records guys made a sxpecial event for ambient/experimental musik last friday...they presented to us biosphere live act...no comments about this,a real trip to north pole...

really?? biosphere live?? damn, I should 've known that and take a week off... :(


Hey Filteria :) I am from Helltown (aka Helsingborg), Skane hehe :) I speak weird Swedish, could almost be Danish hehe. You are living in Stockholm right? I saw pictures of your Studio by the way, very very nice.


My next synth will be the TI for sure (Have you seen that?) Sorry for being a bit off topic here :(


Yes mate..i live in stockholm.. I've been in småland twice for live-act.. nice woods :D

About the studio..thanx..i invested everything i own in that gear (it was wroth every swedish kr:p)..there is more stuff to be written there, since i got some more goodies :)

TI?? hhm..i don't think i've ever heard of it :( Is it analog, virutal analog? software?

The more i work with analogue synths, the more i love em :)


ritual om: You make me nervous when you write like that :lol:


I've heard about Lotus..but never visited it.. i think i am going to Greece, next week for a small vacation..might drop by there..

take care everyone :)


at last i listened to sky input.the plus things are many and u know them.the most important posutives are that it surely is the best release in melodic stuff since 2000 and surely is better than any full on release.at last i listen to the bass i desperately wanted to listen to for years(deep driving basslines not having that silly gms sound)

the three downsides are:

1.some of the melodies in some tracks sound a bit cheesy(not the arrangement but only the sound of the synth preset).

2.the background layers would be better(it's only my opinion) if they were more massive

3.if u make the whole tracks more flowing and liquid u're gonna become tip-top.


tracks 1 and 5 nail some ass(i saw intolerable cruelty yesterday) ;)

go on filteria.just follow the path


hello filteria


i m from thessaloniki

actually i live 1 minutes distance from noise record shop


i have to tell you it s still alive and kickin, all the latest releases in time


when i i m bored to wait for three days to get the staff from psyshop, noise is my option together with lotus record shop


better than California Sunshine-Sinking Sand?


thohohoo! :lol:

way better man! way better! :D


gnome filteria's tracks are massive melodic.sinking sand is much more mellow compared to this.i found sinking sand a little bit boring.


wow, i never expected so many greeks around here!


to evans: well, i suppose its produced by such a program (I remember a professor in the university working with cellular automata to simulate solar activity)


i'm physicist by the way :)


finnaly greeks discovered other forums away from isratrance....


agia_igoumeni: yes i love astrix/skazi ... they rock,they are the bester of the bestest,their music is da best,yeah,skazi is king yeaaah alien project gms is god....wowowowowoww



ritual_om: i was at the party,i came around 2:30.Aes Dana was still playing wonderful Ultimae sounds... I thought i would listen Holeg & Spies sounds but instead when Aes Dana finished,Haris played a 30min(very good tunes) set and then a techno-storm started that really made me a bit bored...


i was prepared to listen to industrial,goth-electro Holeg&Spies vibes but i was disappointed.Haris played some tunes of that...


There were a lot of junkies who thought that it would another full-on party...Trying to ignore them but when they fall on you its a bit difficult...


I will invent a door that denies entry to junkies...


Its almost Christmass and GMS/Alien Project/Some Israeli Guy hasn't yet come to Athens for "first time" and a "awesome" event ?? Rendez-Vous at "Energy"





im sick of them,the end

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