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Does Paris have a Trance scene?

Eternal Optimist

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I'm moving to Paris soon. Is there a rave scene there? I particularly love outdoor forest parties. Are there any nice ones organised around Paris in the summer? (like London's ID-spirla/liquid connective)


Have you ever been to a French rave? I'm desperate, tell me about it!

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I'm moving to Paris soon. Is there a rave scene there? I particularly love outdoor forest parties. Are there any nice ones organised around Paris in the summer? (like London's ID-spirla/liquid connective)


Have you ever been to a French rave? I'm desperate, tell me about it!



the scene in paris is almost dead.

Never outdoor events.

Don't expect 20% of what there is in London......... but with Eurostar it's not that far :)

check www.tranceshop.com : there is an agenda.

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