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Future Sound Of London




The Orb

Saafi Brothers


Solar Fields

Aes Dana




Mystery Of The Yeti 1, 2

Fahrenheit Project 1,2,3,4



Life Is...


older Aphex Twin stuff and dark ambient such as Nordvargr <- evil!


depends.. I always have a hard time finding the ´favourite´.... it changes depending on the mood, situation, etc...


lately I´ve been digging bluetech, androcell... this year the ones I most listened to was Ott and Abakus.... Im waiting to arrive Adham Shaikh (which is for sure excellent), the new Gabriel Le Mar, the new pitch black cd and the new sounds from the ground cd... maybe some of them will become favourites..


I´ve been listening a lot to some compilations too, like Wider Horizons, or Natural Born Chillers...


and different more world-like chill, as Gaudi -bass sweat and tears have been constantly playing in my stereo too...


I just got some stuff from Robert Rich and thats just fucking awesome.. mostly beatless ambient but those details :blink: ... never heard anything like that in psytrance or 'psybient'


I definitely like the songs on "are you shpongled?" the most when it comes to ambient.


But apart from shpongle i wanna mention that "Wonderground" by Healer from 2000 is an ambient cd that has a special place in my heart.


I also like twisted record's "Eclipse compilation" from 1998


But my all-time favorite single ambient track has always been, and probably always will be "2046" by Saafi Brothers :)


i've not yet found anything as good as shpongle, but i have to say that i haven't really explored ambient music that much, though i'd like to.. some of my favourite stuff besides shpongle is celtic cross, fsol & ott.


uuh...i won't start to make a list here...it'd be quite long (you see i have soft spot for this stuff ;) ) but I really recommend what I'm listening to right now: vangelis - blade runner soundtrack...sweet ou swee-he-eet! :lol: ...this awesome movie (the best ever IMHO :) ) really has also very awesome soundtrack ;)

  |o|o|p|i said:

uuh...i won't start to make a list here...it'd be quite long (you see i have soft spot for this stuff ;) ) but I really recommend what I'm listening to right now: vangelis - blade runner soundtrack...sweet ou swee-he-eet!  :lol: ...this awesome movie (the best ever IMHO :) ) really has also very awesome soundtrack ;)


Considering it's composed and produced in 1981-1982 it is indeed impressive stuff.



Carbon Based Lifeforms

H.U.V.A Network




Akasha Project

Aes Dana


Future Sound Of London



Spacetime Continuum

Amorphous Androgynous

Stress Assassin






Younger Brother

Celtic Cross

The Infinity Project



Solar Quest


Kumba Mela Experiment


VA - Fahrenheit Project 1,2,3 &4

VA - Mystery Of The Yeti 1&2

VA - Mountain High

VA - Eclipse A Journey Of Permanence & Impermanence

VA - Kum Haras

VA - Chillosophy 1,2 & 3

VA - 13th Moon

VA - Life Is... Creation

VA - Another Life

VA - Siesta

VA - Floating Point 1&2

VA - Module 1&2



Pete Namlook, The Orb, FSOL, Tangerine Dreams, Mixmaster Morris, Mr Roach :) Would be my absolute favourites, but there are so MANY good ones out there and I dont have the energy to write them all down :)


well if you want to sleep with ultra relaxing ambient, I suggest


Jonn Serrie - And the stars go with you

Brian Eno & Harold Budd - The Plateaux of Mirror

Steve Roach - Structures from Silence


I don't know why, but i think most of you just say their fav. ambient artist. Yea it's not bad, but i mean most of all music for relaxation after strong party. For me it's not everytime pure ambient sometimes i relax with Transwave or Astral projection maybe it sound strange, but when you play with slow bass this flying melody can realy hipnotize you :D

When we talk about ambient i stil couldn't find anything like "Ambient meditation" by Return to the source. For me it's the ultimate meditation B)


I don't know if much of the stuff listed really qualifies as ambient, it sounds like most of what's been listed is chillout...


Carbon Based Lifeforms (downtempo/chillout/ambient)

Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon (ambient)

  MIT said:

I don't know why, but i think most of you just say their fav. ambient artist. Yea it's not bad, but i mean most of all music for relaxation after strong party. For me it's not everytime pure ambient sometimes i relax with Transwave or Astral projection maybe it sound strange, but when you play with slow bass this flying melody can realy hipnotize you :D


yes, play a fast psytrance with dirty and strong baseline, recorded for 45rpm, drop it down to 33 - it's pretty hipnotic. i think dutch folks called it "new beat" in early '90s...?

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