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I will start off.


In Vaz Modular


Have 2 saw oscillators, both pitch modulated by an envelope and route these 2 osc into a high pass filter. Add some reverb and some ping pong delay for some weird squelchy psy sounds. :-)


Also have an envelope modulating the cutoff on the filter and set the decay to about halfway.


Set the envelope to the following :


A - 0

D - 1/2

S - 0

R - 0 or 1/3


Play around with the cutoff and the decay...sounds really cool...adding some rez makes it sound even better.


This is very basic and easily adaptable to other synths. I'm not sure whether oscillators on non-modular synths can be pitch modulated...See if you can improve on it.


I'll add more later when I get home.

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