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Hi to all the fellow psy-addicts out there. I am fairly new to the psy/goa scene (been about 3 years now) and got my first real taste of it in Koh Pha Ngan,Thailand. I can still remember that first party , located deep in the woods somewhere, taking a boat through pitch blackness , finding the actual place just by the thumping of the music..only about 50 people, but what a party and what a vibe...just wondering if others on this forum have ever been to this magical place. My life was changed here mainly due to the fact that I stumbled onto psy trance. I cant ever go back to 'mundane'...peace


Hi ! I am going to be in KPN in April... what you say pleases me greatly for I wasn't aware the KPN parties were Goa trance! I thought it might be mere Club house or something, so yay! is what I conclude. :D


Was it a full moon party you went to? It was reported to me that thousands turned up to those... also, can one easily acquire whatsoever one might be looking for in Thailand? I speak in slightly coded tongue, for there be eyes a-watching, all around... :ph34r:




yes i heard it too

like goa in india

full moon party's = 1000 drunk brittish people howling at the moon


= :(


Hi ! I am going to be in KPN in April... what you say pleases me greatly for I wasn't aware the KPN parties were Goa  trance! I thought it might be mere Club house or something, so yay! is what I conclude. :D


Was it a full moon party you went to? It was reported to me that thousands turned up to those... also, can one easily acquire whatsoever one might be looking for in Thailand? I speak in slightly coded tongue, for there be eyes a-watching, all around...  :ph34r:




yes, u can acquire whatever u might be looking for at KPG...the infamous full moon party is a bit commercialized and cheesy but u will find at least a few venues thumpin psy...not the majority, but a few...as for the party i mentioned..it was not in Had Rin(the full moo party beach) but at Hat Thien...a 10 minute boat ride from Had rin..there are black moon, half moon and parties goin on all the time on the island..with a LOT of Psy Dj's spinning their stuff...to avoid the masses more interested in shakin their rumps to britney spears drunk on thai whisky, better to avoid the full moon party altogether....peace


..... sorry to put a dampener on things.. but Ko P.N has had its day :( .. over 10 years ago lads.. you may as well go to blackpool.. i was last there in 94 and it was loosing it then.. ... by IT.. i mean the true vibe.. like you get at Tribe of Frog / 666 etc.. KPN is full of dickheads.. every beer boy whose ever seen that damn movie the Beach...( - that really f*****d things up) ...and speaking of the beach there ..be carefull where you step.. theres hundreds of sharp kebab sticks that nobs have just stuck in the sand.. as theres no bins.. the place is a mess. . some mates came back resently and confirmed all this ( take your own ..malaria pills boys cos medicine is expensive there ).. i do a lot of traveling dudes and believe me there are much better places to go.. much better!... i was in cenral america last Nov - Feb and found some top partys that have the true underground Vibe.. as to where.. ho ho ho ..wouldnt you like to know !... dont want it becoming like Ko PN now do we ! ...i have only just joined this site ..so maybe when i get to know some of you better i may let some cats out of some bags... Likwid says it right......peace.. K. Kid

:(:(:(:(:( ... This is bad,... really bad,... like i said this morning people....Thailand has lost the true vibe...and become.. the land of the Bad Vibe.. the Thais are just taking the falang (tourist) for every baht they can squeez out of them man.... Thailand was ok untill 91.. then it died...big time .. you would have to have been there pre 91 to know i suppose.. after that it just became a commercial ripp off.. :angry: which really p****d me off because i do love the country.. and had some wicked times there....i even learnt the lingo.. :o ( now that DID open some doors for me...! ).... so it looks like 5 of the boys from back home have drowned..a greedy little Thai trying to cram as many on as he could... ive seen it.. And this is after the bloody tidal wave... I still dont know how many Brits died man...Dudes.. Dudetts... cats and dogs..Dont you think that FREE PARTY SPIRIT... has left that place ???..for me it goes against everything the undergroung sound is all about.. .. also.. Thailand is NOT a cool place to take drugs as people may think..theres lots of DS around, everyones paranoid.... the only reason you dont hear about more boys being locked up there is cos they give you a choice ..all your $$$$ or jail...there are lots of little set ups happening.. people sh** themselves, pays up ..and goes home... The thai system is totally corrupt.. Why go there ???????? I wish everyone would boycott the place.. .. I hate to think what Khao San road is like these days... makes me wanna f*****g cry , it really does.... But to end on a high.. there are some well cool places out there everyone.. look around.. there were psy trance partys happening up volcanos the last place i went... no babylon there !........on the Lake... arribaaa !!

yeah..that boat accident is bad news..

as for the current vibe, i was there last summer and yes, the psy scene had diminished a bit from my previous visits but it was still tbere..and the parties near thong sala still had that 'in the jungle, free-vibe, chill ' groove that I had found years earlier....peace

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