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Guest platigreg

Hi guys,

Just a question: can you please give me the name of some Trance (all kinds) tracks covering some famous melodies… example, the Joe Dassin “l’été indien” covered by Parasense, the “Sweet Dreams” remix (still unavailable ?) by Tortured Brain…



mr peculiar - charlies trip, it has the oompa loompa song from charlie's chocolate factory worked into it :)

Guest Ibotenic

Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumble-Bee" is used in Activate Morlack's "Bumble Bee".

Texas Faggott: Back To Mad with that boy band anthem and Kikkarapiä Käkkäräpiä with an adaptation of the theme from Knight Rider!

Guest Stamper

Systembusters - Star Wars (GMS vs Systembusters CD)


Although I find this a very annoiing and misplaced sample ... it is famous ...

Guest Mindtwister



SFX - Techno Terror


It's a kind of a Star Wars cover =)


Old, but nice in the end of the track....!


Made in 1991 or somethin I think...


SFX = Astral Projection (almost), for you guys that don't know...



Guest etherdesign

Good song, ouroboros, have you checked out the MWNN remix? It's beautiful.

Guest skeletor

fuzzion - brown eyed girl

necton - beverly hills cop

<====both pretty self explanatory titles


..and Aerodance (artist) do the russian folk covers thang.


no doubt there are more.......

Guest Zaraknon

Not to forget: GMS - The Growly Family (=>Addams Family theme)

Guest Platigreg

10x you all guys !

What a shame I forgot the orange theme...

Any things to add to the list ?

Guest lurk

yeah, green nuns - klunk, from their album rock bitch mafia... loads of cartoon characters being sampled :)

Guest DeFbyDeLtiSh...

Gms - Gladiator ( gladiator intro )

Guest hoffy

there's a track that has the intro to 2001 (the movie) in it but i have nfi what the track is called.. any ideas?

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