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What is the magic of this song...? Today I was very tired after all my exams and stuff, I was playing this song very loud while almost falling asleep, and I was in a complete dreamstate because of those voices singing and the floating atmosphere... Altough the song still has a very harsh techno-rhytm...

is it just me or do other people love this one also?


And does anyone know any more songs in this style?


I talked to you yestarday about ChiAD . I didnt enjoyed his songs a long tima ago cause there´s some songs that abuse of the Reeverb but now im in love with it. :wub: I told you its the floating atmo that hypnotizes you. Chi AD is awesome , i admit it isnt a artist that you love his songs at first sight , cause its a mature sound. Only for the pure Souls and Minds.Recommended ONLY for the Experienced Goa lovers. :)


well, I agree to some extend... But tracks like Biocandy, Eye Am The I, Exit Eternity, Astral Warrior... were love at FIRST sight! For many people I think... Except of that he creates a very magic atmosphere... ooh yes!


ah yes Pathfinder is indeed a unique track... there isn't really anything out there that sounds like it... including from Chi-Ad himself! Very hypnotic, very tribal :) However, the "trance melody" sounds a bit childish, reminds me of the early trance hit Atlanic Ocean - Waterfall .


BTW it's not really the same but I find that Miranda - Subtropical Forest 2004 has a similar progression (rather linear and tribal), maybe try that one? It's currently my fave track :)


I listen to Anno Domini (#1 on anno domini album) almost everyday before I sleep.. amazing song, it's like a pathway into the dream state for me :)


What is the magic of this song...? Today I was very tired after all my exams and stuff, I was playing this song very loud while almost falling asleep, and I was in a complete dreamstate because of those voices singing and the floating atmosphere... Altough the song still has a very harsh techno-rhytm...

is it just me or do other people love this one also?


And does anyone know any more songs in this style?


Yes it's the best on the album. Absolutely brilliant. Hypnotic stuff. :) I think I need to listen to it now...


This song is awesome, i love to listen to it in the morning when i just woke up :lol: instead of going to sleep with it, its an excellent morning trance tune imo... i wish there were more songs like this


I like all that Chi-A.D. ever released, even the last unreleased album. I find his style very mature and thought through. His melodies are ancient, primal, old and hypnotic. His first album was good debut, gentle and subtle with ASTRAL WARRIOR as a stand out. The singles between were one of the best : PURITY, EXIT ETERNITY, BEYOND THE SINGULARITY...BIOCANDY...huhhh...ANNO DOMINI album was great too, different than first one and pretty dark. PATHFINDER is good song but nothing spectacular. I find ANNO DOMINI and THE FLAME OF ETERNAL LIFE to be much better. INFINITISM I already reviewed and have no words. EARTH CROSSING is fenomenal too. And, even his one of the last songs he released - SS4 version 1.3 is pretty good and melodic piece of music so this guy still didn't change his style, THANK GOD, I hope he never does cause he has entirely his own sound ahd if he switches to full on it would be the end, really...;)


PATHFINDER is a meditational trance-induced masterpiece!

first time i listened to it i couldnt' get into it but then i heard it once when in a better mood and i got it wholeheartedly!! the 'pathfinder' is an excellent name for a track that takes you on a journey through the garden of eden ;)


I have always wondered what made this track special and unique..

perhaps the tribalness and the beat is very meditational.. perhaps it is the spiritual aura that oozes from this track.. perhaps it's the hard sound together with a progressive harmonious choirs and chants is the answer.. only let-down about this track is that it could have progressed even further, and then it would have been one of the best tracks ever.. well it still is.. for me :lol:


Lemmiwinks: "however, the "trance melody" sounds a bit childish,"

what trance melody are you talking about?


NightmareTrancer introduced the song to me a couple of years ago now.. I guess it was one of the first oldschool Goa tracks I liked and it is still GREAT :) awesome track to get up with indeed!

Chi-A.D is great stuff ! :D


I listen to Anno Domini (#1 on anno domini album) almost everyday before I sleep..  amazing song, it's like a pathway into the dream state for me  :)


Yes, it took me years to realize this track! For years I always found it the most drawn-out, boring song and for some reason I just didn't get it. I think thats whats so impressive and interesting about this guys work, the tracks are indeed more mature in general, as the ones that don't jump out with very distinct characteristics at first are usually the most dreamy ones in the end, with exception to several tracks regardless, track 1 on Anno Domini is so delicious, so dreamy and hypnotic... just think how easy it is to be in the wrong state; mood, and miss out and be so unaware of something so beautiful and devine? This is one of those songs for the more experienced goa listener, I agree. It is incredible; its atmosphere can be felt and experienced, literally throught-out the body.


As I've listened to the more fun, mainstream sounding, or rather less mature or should I say, less subtle Chi-A.D. songs like Astral Warrior, I noticed that Astral Warrior first came off as a track I really liked in the beginning, but in the end, its quick to pick up and keep your attention before dragging out... it isn't subtle like Anno Domini, and the subtle tracks that I never thougth would be so powerful are the ones that are the most beautiful to me, from Chi-A.D., with exception to those several awesome singles he's done for right now too! Exit Eternity is classic! Those melodies are, woW! :)


I'm listening to Pathfinder right now, and I must agree that it's a very good track.  :) The 2000 Mix on the other hand is shit...


it sux.. it is just too happy and silly.


P A T H F I N D E R , well i remember the 1st time I heard it I was simply breathless, now it has not the same magic it got at that time, the bad point is the repetitive side of the track, but that will be an unforgettable track anyway, it was an important track for me....

As for ANNO DOMINI (the track), I always found it underrated, it is the perfect track for me, certainly in my goa all time top10, so mature as people said above, hypnotic, atmospheric, mystic...I'd love to hear an entire album with that atmosphere, slow and deep, melodic and mystic...

Anyway, contrary to what it was said above, those 2 tracks were for me "Love at 1st listen" :)


By the way, anyone got the lyrics of Pathfinder, the meanings of the vocals?


P A T H F I N D E R , well i remember the 1st time I heard it I was simply breathless, now it has not the same magic it got at that time, the bad point is the repetitive side of the track, but that will be an unforgettable track anyway, it was an important track for me....

As for ANNO DOMINI (the track), I always found it underrated, it is the perfect track for me, certainly in my goa all time top10, so mature as people said above, hypnotic, atmospheric, mystic...I'd love to hear an entire album with that atmosphere, slow and deep, melodic and mystic...

Anyway, contrary to what it was said above, those 2 tracks were for me "Love at 1st listen" :)


By the way, anyone got the lyrics of Pathfinder, the meanings of the vocals?


i agree with anno domini !! beautiful track!

i think monsters have the same kind of "anno domini album" feeling.. its sad the track is somehow ruined by the super-reverbed guitarrs.


WOW Pathfinder is fucking amazing... nevermind repetitive... this seems the perfect kind of track to trance out too... am listening to it now and am feeling transported. :)


Weird that I have never heard it before <_< Where have I been hiding?


Just put the album on order! Well on my wishlist anyhows! Thanks! :D

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