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I have used Reason since it was released. And I have used Cubase for about 3 years now. Finally I get a hardcore workstation and I can use Rewire!!!! Yipeeeeee!


But, we seem to have a little problem, see. :( Maybe you beautiful people can help me.


BTW this is Reason 2.5 + Cubase sx3


When I hook these 2 programs over the rewire function I get a delay of 1/16th. Both on playback and recording into Cubase's sequencer :o I know you guys are thinking "why doesn't he just use quantize or shift the audio 1/16th to the left? Sure, but you must understand that playback is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! I have to work in the 2 programs independently!


Anybody know why I can't get em to sync? Is it fixable with adjusting latency? Any preferences I seem to be missing?


Anyhoo. Lovelly to be here! This forum is cool and hopefully soon I will slap on some of my fresher beats for you all to tear apart!!!!







p.s / Any psy-Hamburgers out there?

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