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As I am no dj, and only have cd-player, I would consider buying from you if you had these vynil releases on FLAC or WAV.. I would consider even more buying, if you could do like spindrift, and sell custom cds, where he prints the covers and burns at low speed and ships to you..


What you are wanting with the proghouse stuff is already available from several places. Try these...


www.beatport.com - you can have custom .wav data CDs (ie, the .wav files burned to a CD - you would have to re-burn for audio CDs) burned and shipped to you. I think they will also have downloadable WAV or FLAC files sometime this year


www.edmdigital.com - downloadable FLAC


www.fiberlineaudio.com - will send custom CDs

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What you are wanting with the proghouse stuff is already available from several places.  Try these...


www.beatport.com - you can have custom .wav data CDs (ie, the .wav files burned to a CD - you would have to re-burn for audio CDs) burned and shipped to you.  I think they will also have downloadable WAV or FLAC files sometime this year


www.edmdigital.com - downloadable FLAC


www.fiberlineaudio.com - will send custom CDs


heyy thanks thats good news.. Im gonna check those out immediately



I not so much of a mp3 techie myself but tried to read up on it on HydrogenAudio forums which is a place where codec fanatics hang out.

What I figure you have about 250k as a maximum average bitrate for VBR, and that 320k CBR should be the highest quality setting you can use.


So VBR is mainly if you are really concerned with filesize. But can also have compatability issues with some harware players.


From http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=203



Recommended encoder settings:



--alt-preset standard (~190 kbit/s, typical 180 ... 220)


--alt-preset fast standard (~190 kbit/s, faster but potentially lower quality)


--alt-preset extreme (~250 kbit/s, typical 220 ... 270)


--alt-preset fast extreme (~250 kbit/s, faster but potentially lower quality)


--alt-preset insane (320 kbit/s CBR, highest possible quality)


Unfortunally I do not like progressive or house myself, so that wont happen.

But I heared Iboga is open ing a mp3 shop an their site soon, and they do that kind of progressive stuff what I understand. And buying directly from a label is great if you want your money to be supporting the people in the scene directly-


heyy thanks thats good news.. Im gonna check those out immediately


One thing I should add is that the options for shipping a CD or downloading FLAC for the respective stores is definitely more expensive than paying for a 320kbps mp3 download from each. :( For me, the 320kbps mp3 option from each is a sufficient option, but I do know that a lot of people want a lossless format and are willing to pay more. Hopefully as bandwidth becomes cheaper, more places will offer FLAC & WAV downloads at little or no extra cost.



You got me on the long blond hair, and I have two Volvos...but no suit and tennis shoes :)

But Gyllene tider remind me a lot more about prog and house than psy I must say....it's all cheeze to me ;)


I would pay, provided there was actual content. As in, practically every psy track to choose from. I'm currently fed up with soulseek and people not having any freakin albums I want...but yeah, it were a network packed with psy I would be more than glad to dish out.


yeah we intend to try and get all the labels involved with this and hope to have many tracks mostly south african psy and the other big labels hopefully.


South African Psy is the best man


Err...you think that is a legal site redeemer.

The price and the russian language make me suspect that it's not at all.


Anyway $2 for 100Mb is totally unrealistsic that you will be able to sell trance for and have any labels sign up with you.


Yes it is fully legal. I would imagine that you don't need the labels' permission to sell in Russia.


All the materials in the MediaServices projects are available for distribution through Internet according to license # LS-3М-05-03 of the Russian Multimedia and Internet Society. Under the license terms, MediaServices pays license fees for all the materials subject to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights". All the materials are available solely for personal use and must not be used for further distribution, resale or broadcasting.

And there is an English interface of course, click on top.


I wonder if that meas that according to russian law they can sell the downloads without permission from respective labels.

I have really hard to see how they would have convinced any labels to allow them to sell albums for $2, and they seem to have a lot.


Still I must maintain that it's not a realistic mark for pricing now in the trance scene, and if you would try I can assure you that you would end up with an extremly limited assortment.


It would be great if it was possible and maybe would be good financially even to make people actually buy some downloads. But trying to get any labels to accept that price is far away IMO.


Yes I believe that the Russian law is such that you don't need a permission from the labels as long as you pay some fee to some Russian organisation, or something. I don't see how else it could be possible. Anyway, I think the price is much more reasonable than in the western competitors. Allofmp3 should advertise themselves a bit more. There really is no reason to pay insane sums to iTunes when you can get it much cheaper and with no DRM.


But what is really the point of paying for downloads that you can get for free if no money goes to the artists?


Well pesonally I boycott the music and movie industry so a service that let's me buy cheap without any of that going to the hands of the industry is just a plus.


But you're right, there may be no point if you can get it free (as I do), but you need some connections to get free stuff and there's a lot of average people who would pay a little for easy access.


What is the point of paying anyway if 99% of it goes to some mega corporation label and 1% to the artist. If that. Especially since the representative groups of the labels and movie industry like the RIAA/MPAA will use your money to lobby the goverment in attempt to steal away the little rights you may have left.


I don't really disagree with your very controverisal opinion, and is not very bothered with the money side of the music myself I must admit.

But how hard is it really to download whatever music you like to get in mp3.


I do get upset when anyone is actually is making money on other peoples work.

Sites like allofmp3 should not be supported because they make money on something that is not theirs to make money on.


So by all means support downloading and fuck the "industry". But sites selling mp3 or warez is scum in my opinion.


What's with the VBR love? As far as I know the only advantage is file size... and if you're looking at saving 5 megs, well - why?


There are decks out and on the way that will play mp3s (Pioneer's new CDJ-200 for example) but many will not play VBR files.


I don't know what the bandwidth problem is all about... I pay about 50 a month and get a real unlimited connection. I could have a bunch of files sitting at home uploading constantly and would not have to pay an extra cent. I'm sure it cannot be that difficult to find an ISP that would suit a small net shop's needs and enable them to sell wave files.


I'll buy wave files any time a shop gets setup with an assortment of tunes I enjoy. The tough part is going to be getting at the full extent of a label's back catalogue, including the real oldies... I can't even begin to imagine how it might come about, but having Matsuri, Blue Room, Flying Rhino, Transient, and other giants of the past with their entire back catalogue available for full-quality download would be a dream.


I don't really disagree with your very controverisal opinion, and is not very bothered with the money side of the music myself I must admit.

But how hard is it really to download whatever music you like to get in mp3.

Well, considering the success of iTunes, it's hard enough that many will not bother. Also in many countries sharing which is often required to download is illegal and may get you in trouble.


I do get upset when anyone is actually is making money on other peoples work.

Sites like allofmp3 should not be supported because they make money on something that is not theirs to make money on.

I understand your point of view, but don't fully agree. According to the laws of their country, it is theirs to make money on.


So by all means support downloading and fuck the "industry". But sites selling mp3 or warez is scum in my opinion.

Warez sellers won't use my money to sue me. If I have to choose one I choose the one that is less damaging to the public rights.


What's with the VBR love? As far as I know the only advantage is file size... and if you're looking at saving 5 megs, well - why?


When you have like 1500 albums you want to save 5mb on every mp3, I can tell you that :P


It's not a matter of how much bandwidth you have really.

If people put large files on the web they zip it. It's just ridicoulus to send totally uncompressed files over the net, it's wasting bandwidth for everyone.

So, like I tried to tell you before, I think you should consider looking for shops that sell FLAC or APE files instead. That will be they way music is distibuted in the future I am pretty certain.


More people actually seem to want FLAC already now from what I have been able to gather.

So to sell wav would be crazy since you then need to provide both FLAC for people who think it's stupid to spend 50% more time and bandwidht to recive the same file as well as wav for poele who can't be asked to download a 200k decompression utility to avoid downloading 100's of Mb for no reason.



I like your spirit.

But I do really think it's low to sell ripped music or cracked software and cannot understand your opinion.

And I don't care what russian law says about it.



I like your spirit.

But I do really think it's low to sell ripped music or cracked software and cannot understand your opinion.

And I don't care what russian law says about it.


Well, I fully understand that my views might not be very popular on a site that is full of artists. However, the way I see it is that published information is free game. If someone manages to make money out of it, then good for him, but I think it will get more and more difficult in the digital age.


What right does someone have to sell a dictionary... Did he create the language, does he own a right to the words. No, he just gathered the information in one place and makes money out of it.


In my experience artists is more relaxed about copyright issues than many other people in the scene.

It's mostly label owners and some fans that I see flaming anyone questioning the current copyright legislation.


I think you understand that a dictionary is a bit different than a site selling mp3's without paying to the artists.


But an interesting thing to consider can be that compiling information could and almost should be considered similar to create the information in the first place from a copyright perspective.

My view on someone selling mixes they make, regardless of if it's made from mp3's or bought CD's, is different.

It takes skill and effort to compile both a mix or collection of tracks well just as with creating a lexicon.

So for me thats a whole different issue than simply taking all material you can find and make money from it without passing anything on to the people who actually provided the information in the first place.

That is only pure parasitism in my view.


What right does someone have to sell a dictionary... Did he create the language, does he own a right to the words. No, he just gathered the information in one place and makes money out of it.


Oh so now an artist do not create the music too? And as a result of your way of reasoning you have the right to steal the artists music because it's infront of you in Cyberspace free to grab? I like to see you do that in a store in your local Mall mate ;)


I sometimes think some people even wouldn't care if the day came where artists simply stopped to make any more music. I know it wont happen of course and it would be a very sad day for the world. But if it happened. Would you be satisfied then?


to the original poster...i think it'd be great downloading legitimate MP3s. A Psy/goa Mp3 site would be the only type I'd actually pay for...


It takes skill and effort to compile both a mix or collection of tracks well just as with creating a lexicon.


It also takes a lot of skill to create working online distribution system with it's own online encoding system and so on. Alone the items are not worth much, but when they gather them all under one, easy to use system it may be worth to pay for access.


I claim that creating system like allofmp3.com takes a whole lot more work and skill than creating a mix or collection of tracks.


Oh so now an artist do not create the music too?

I was comparing the creator of a dictionary to the creator of music download system, neither of them created the individual items that their collection consists of and still charge for it.


And as a result of your way of reasoning you have the right to steal the artists music because it's infront of you in Cyberspace free to grab?  I like to see you do that in a store in your local Mall mate ;)

Copying is not stealing.


steal Audio pronunciation of "steal" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stl)

v. stole, (stl) sto·len, (stln) steal·ing, steals

v. tr.


1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission.


But I do have right, it's written in our copyright law under the section copying for private use.


Also if I steal an item that I couldn't buy from a store, the store loses it, when I copy no one loses anything.


I sometimes think some people even wouldn't care if the day came where artists simply stopped to make any more music.  I know it wont happen of course and it would be a very sad day for the world.  But if it happened. Would you be satisfied then?

I'm certainly hoping for the day the industry falls and "musicians" whose only motivation is money stop producing. I think we would be looking at a much healthier selection of music from that point forward, instead of the massive pile of shit that we're looking at today.


instead of the massive pile of shit that we're looking at today.


With any sort of music, one has always had to sift through a huge pile of shit to find the gems. That's nothing new. People have always said the same thing with any genre - I've heard the same complaint about the goa/psy scene as long as I've been in it. It's up to the consumer to find the good stuff - it always has been. The music industry doesn't need to fall flat on its face to make it any easier. But IMO, digital stores are a good start - at least it keeps music-lovers from having to waste money on the shit. Instead of paying €15 for a pile of shit CD with 1-3 good tracks, you pay €3-4 for those good tracks only and completely skip the crap.


And the real rip-off artists - the over-priced post system - don't get a damned penny. ;)


The artists (and labels) don't have to be starving in order for us to have good tunes....maybe I'm selfish, but I like the idea of the people who create the art I like being able to make it for me as a full-time job.

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