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I'm new to this site so let me introduce myself shortly first. I come from Cologne, Germany, am 18 years old and a student. I started with music production approximately one and half a year ago, that was the time when I first came in contact with Goa/Psy and I instantly fell in love with that music.

My equipment is not too extensive. I use only software, Fruity Loops 4 as Host, ReFX Vanguard, Spectrasonics Atmosphere, Linplug Albino 2, Audiorealism Bassline as VST Synths (they're my dream quartet you know ;) ), plus some free VSTs.


The track I want to present to you (and hopefully recieve lots of feedback on) is called "Cubic Mass". I played around with my Vanguard Synth a bit and suddenly came to that imo beautiful guitar-like sound, so I started making a track around it. Like most of my work, this is meant to be hard, energetic and rockin' Psytrance with less melodies than usual. And I'm not claiming that synth should sound like a guitar as realistic as possible, but I feel content with it.


Title: Cubic Mass

Length: 7:26min

Size: ~10MB

Bitrate: 192kbps


the link:

Download Cybernetika - Cubic Mass


I've got about 20 tracks going in the Goa/Psy style, if you're interested I'm gonna post more ;) ... but first I'm really interested in your opinions and some constructive criticism :)


Ooops, sorry. Thanks for the hint, fixed it now... this is the proper link:



Would be great to get in contact with you, but I'd say you'd first take a listen into it :)



sounds good. Only tips I have for ya is keep making psy ( each track you make is better than the last ) and get Cubase SX! ( so you can play with sequencing more and get a good final mix going! )


nice one! tell me when you're in Hamburg.






Thanks for your Feedback, mylo!

I think I'm gonna try Cubase, though I think if you have the proper Plugins, FL can be very powerful too.

Well, sadly at present there is not so much chance for me coming to Hamburg. But let's see what will happen when I finish school :) ... btw. the next Psy Event I'll be on will be Naked Festival 2005: www.naked-festival.com




Great song! Thats a track that I even could play in a party. Good job!


Thanks semidread :) ... I still hope to hear my tracks in the mix at a party one day. Well, maybe I'll start mixing, but at first I want to reach the highest level with my productions one day :)


Good work,


when you want to know something about Fl studio I tell u. I have worked with this about 6-7 years. Now I am trying cubase sx, but I still think that in Fl studio u can make prof. work.


Have a lot of fun


Augh... what an annoying left-earphone-only sound in the beginning... :(

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