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psytrance with a good message :lol:




i like it in the beginning.

but it could have been a much better track.

its for the sample tha we'll do it no?


check more tracks from this dude @



he even makes goa tracks... :D


I don't like Skazi either, but I think it is going to far, by making a track called Skazi must Die. I know it is just for fun, but I don't think it is that cool, calling a track that.. Yes Iam an angel, I know.. :)


Take care


Yes, I agree with Quark. Even though I despise the guy, I also think that is even more devilish to name the track like that.

Hey Quark, I see that your favourite one from Project Genesis is Intelligent Machine. Mine is Why ?, then Intelligent Machine...;)


Well, it's funny that this track... no, I'm not saying it.

  Cinos said:

Well, it's funny that this track... no, I'm not saying it.


SAY IT!!!! :rolleyes::P





btw the trackname of this song is russian psy ...

not skazi must die.

so its a double message me thinks.

listen to the other songs.


PLUR doesn't exists. What is it? Peace, love UND respect? Uber-respect?

  Cinos said:

PLUR doesn't exists. What is it? Peace, love UND respect? Uber-respect?



...errr....Unity?? psy is not really supposed to be about hate and death. even is skazi is a bit of a t0sser.

  Ov3rdos3 said:

...errr....Unity?? psy is not really supposed to be about hate and death. even is skazi is a bit of a t0sser.


That brings us to the question; is humor good in psy? Or should the music be serious?

Guest al3xandar

This looks so much like Parasense's sound.

If the author of the track has a better sound than Skazi so let us see his act. All I heard was experimental Russian (WE-DO-ALL-SAME-STYLE-OF-TRANCE) Music, carring disgracefull message at the end. Yes! Skazi is jurk, he is idiot, not inventfull, ugly, metalhead, long haired and untidy! But let him live!





When Skazi was asked in Macedonia what is his style he answerd (something like) this:

- Electro/Rock/Metal/Industrial Trance...

,I'd say: "remove the 'Trance' word from it and keep on movin'"



  Cinos said:

That brings us to the question; is humor good in psy? Or should the music be serious?


humour is great in psy. and i find 99.99% of things in this world have a humorous value to some degree. theres always a funny way of looking at something. that just isnt funny. its like, having a title called "Fcuk God" or something. some might see it as funny, but its not very tactful or clever.

  Ov3rdos3 said:

humour is great in psy. and i find 99.99% of things in this world have a humorous value to some degree. theres always a funny way of looking at something.  that just isnt funny. its like, having a title called "Fcuk God" or something. some might see it as funny, but its not very tactful or clever.


Personally I don't really like humor in my music at all. But I agree on 99% of the things having a humor value... there was a damn sad accident here a while back and I found it funny. I'm not retelling it though.


So, back on topic: No, I don't like the title either. Nor the track.

  Cinos said:

Personally I don't really like humor in my music at all. But I agree on 99% of the things having a humor value... there was a damn sad accident here a while back and I found it funny. I'm not retelling it though.


So, back on topic: No, I don't like the title either. Nor the track.




yeah, its a crap song anyways :D


on things being funny...it was snowing here in london and i saw this old lady walking and she slipped and fell in the road. i unfortunantely burst out laughing (old people falling always gets me). but afterwards i walked up to her and helped her up. im a good person. i just laugh at bad things.

  seraph said:

Yes, I agree with Quark. Even though I despise the guy, I also think that is even more devilish to name the track like that.

Hey Quark, I see that your favourite one from Project Genesis is Intelligent Machine. Mine is Why ?, then Intelligent Machine...;)




It is not my favourite on Project Genesis. My favourite is Voices/Sunshine/On Mars/Why? :P Intelligent Machine is great too, but I the quote is cool :D



Take care...

  Ov3rdos3 said:

so much for "PLUR"...


Strange that you should say this, because I thought this:

"never go to an event where they are playing different styles of trance (especially commerical, rave trance) as you will get the commercial raver people, who are like "oh i just discovered XTC 3 days ago, give me a hug while i sweat all over you". get away from me bitch! grrrr....i am so p1ssed off."

was one of the most unplurry things I have read in a long time.

  salim said:

Strange that you should say this, because I thought this:

"never go to an event where they are playing different styles of trance (especially commerical, rave trance) as you will get the commercial raver people, who are like "oh i just discovered XTC 3 days ago, give me a hug while i sweat all over you". get away from me bitch! grrrr....i am so p1ssed off."

was one of the most unplurry things I have read in a long time.


theres a fine line between PLURry people and stupid ignorant fcuked up people. the whole culture of peace love unity and respect used to be able to be found in the oldschool club culture (1993 - 97, i was there....). but it died out, some say because of the drop in MDMA in ecstacy tablets, now its just filled with people who just go to get fcuked up on whatever it is that can be found in pills these days (and its hardly MDMA) and have no idea what its all about, and they listen to that music because they dont know any better. they are mostly pretentious people where image is everything and fueled by false "niceness" caused by MDMA. the positive and friendly attitude im talking can still be found in the psy scene. there is more of a unified feeling and mutual respect towards each other, regardless of whether we are mashed up on chemicals or not, regarless if we are even in a club or not. that is the kind of attitude im talking about. real people with real respect and real love.


i stick by my previous statement. i hate being sweated upon by fcuked up 16 year old glowstick newbies who are jumping up and going nuts to the latest DJ Sammy tune. shouting KILLLAAAARRRRRRR!!!!! i can be nice, just not to people i dont like. its a pity that ignorance is not physically painful. we would all be a lot wiser.




i tought that way too but i stopped and i tought that if i have that kind of intentions i would became like them , so fight evil with good. Jesus taught that on the Bible you know? B)

Thats the true spirit of Goa.

Ill check his goa tracks.

Peace and Goa.


This track is ugly shit.


But I have to annoy you with my question: Why is Skazi so much hated? I don't like his stuff very much either, though I can't find anything abhorrent about his music... Tracks like "Kill em all" are in fact quite nice.. What has he done to become hated that much?

  pr0fane said:

I thought I would never say this about anything; That track is actually much worse than Skazi.


Good, now that somebody else said it first, I can say it. Quote. :ph34r:

  pr0fane said:

I thought I would never say this about anything; That track is actually much worse than Skazi.



LOL!!! :lol: thats something i didnt think i would hear in a looooong time....

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