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What's your contribution to the circle of goa...


142 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your contribution to the circle of goa...

    • Artist (or used to be) : as in released a track/album...
    • Artist : non released but planning to or just for fun...
    • Dj (or used to be) :as in played at party yet...
    • Dj : not played at party but planning or just for fun...
    • Labelowner...
    • Party organizer...
    • Run a psytranceshop (who knows)...
    • Make decoration for partys...
    • Partyanimal...
    • Just homelistening & collecting a bit...
    • None of them above I?ll just write it in a post reply...

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Off course not that easy If you have to pick one, for many there are several but just pick the one that's the most important...


still some are obvious,

- if you dj - you will probably be a homelistener and collector,

- and if you dj at parties you will be a partyanimal...

- etc...


I'm just mixing some goa for myself.... just for fun, not planning to play at parties, maybe put a set on line... that's all... :) , I don't go to parties anymore at the moment (just the outdoor summerfestivals)...


ps: I have to add something to the poll let me know ;)

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I will always consider myself an artist over my "side job" being a DJ.


mixture of party animal (not really, but I do go to 5 or so major festivals a year), collector (not much, but as much as I can with all these fucking brazillian taxes) and organized a couple of parties...


I used to be a pure partyanimal for many years!!!


Nowdays i dont even listen to Psy that much.....

And the few parties i go i usually enter for free....so im an ex-partyanimal!


Obsessive Listener

Mad Party Animal

Dj'ed few times on some parties

Made something but it is still playing around


Ah well, my life seems to be too much dominated by goa-trance...


Home listener, partyanimal every weekend, dj-ing alot on parties, organising parties every 2-3 months and labelowner... :blink:


anyway, I enjoy it alot :)


I'm a deco artist since 2 years, in august i have my 25th party.

And i make music but no ambition to play it in the current scene. Just experimenting & trying to dig up something new. really psychedelic. more like interesting sound then dance music at the moment.

for example, i put my delay's on 3.14 or use an alphabrainwave as LFO in a synth freq.

stuff like that, just to play around, really hypnotic effect sometimes :P


psychedelic for me is all about symmetric art&sound.

It synchronises my hemispheres(brains) and allows me to enter a certain state of concentration which i can't open without symmetric input of the senses( visual or sound).

music has to be played in stereo, so i prefer headphones to listen to music.

The more pattern-shaped the music is the better, cause the activity in my brain is also patterned. The behaviour of the music tricks the mind. Like art, it's all about illusions. ("ceci n'est pas une pipe". - magritte)

The music then influences both sides which can lead to a synchronisation. it's also visual really cool, the deep vortex effect - best creative concentration you'll ever experience.

The most of my deco art is also symmetric.

I also have mirrored paintings to use as stage deco. one goes left , one right+ a circle/mandala behind the DJ. togehter with the symmetric sound this stimulates a sense of depth which is deep mind concentration.

so with deco i try to get people as deep into trance as possible.

Maybe in the future i will try the same with music, but i prefer more experimental/musical chillout then "boom-boom-boom-shake-that-butt-beats" nowadays.

+ i think it is dangerous for people on drugs who have no psychedelic or spiritual background . think it's the same as throwing a nade to their head. In a spiritual sense of course :lol:


Home listener, party goer, helped with party organization, obsessive collector of original releases...


Also I should like to think that my music reviews make a difference and generate some sales... :P




great topic Rain.cheers for it.

as you already may know im an artist and i contribute for the goa community with some new and fresh new skool goatrance. been working to improve my work.

im not a party animal until someone starts to beat the hell out of fullon out of the psytrance parties or start to make some pure goa old skool freakness party.

that´s all folks :)


Wanna-be Psy Trance "historian".


Still a long way to go before fathoming everything...  :o




hope i can enter in your history book ;)

cheers mate



EDIT: Would be good to know who were those artists that voted in the poll too.


Well, I did manage to get two tracks from CHI-A.D.'s Earth Crossing released :D and I've certainly DJ'd a lot, made plenty of reviews, and been very active and enthusiastic in spreading the sound... but what I'd really like to do is start producing.


My main contribution propably was as a Chai-Mama.

I listen to sooo many spaced out people, calmed them down, gave blankets and a place to sleep to them and free chai and food, if they couldn't pay, looked after peoples kids and dogs so they could party, talked for hours about trance culture, getting myself the nickname trance-missionary and on top of that made the most delicious chai ;) I have also been involved in organizing parties and was a wild "animal" on the dancefloors too.

In the last couple of years I am mainly homelistening and feel sometimes a bit boring :lol: Could do with a few more parties here.


mainly home-listening and reviewing. People who know me can't understand how I can spend days in a row just listening to this music... but I realize more and more that it's my main pleasure in life (yes, even more than sex!) . I mix a bit but at home, guess I'm too shy to actually get on stage and mix some of the stuff I like... but I'd like to someday :)


Also go to my fair share of parties but not many (about one a month or 2). I like the idea of party-going to be sacred, so for me doing it every week-end would mean that the whole experience would lose it's magic.


Oh and I'm a major poster on a certain psy forum ;)


In the last couple of years I am mainly homelistening and feel sometimes a bit boring Could do with a few more parties here.


eleria: dont you get any parties at draconis?? i thought there was a big scene there!




well i ve occasionaly been a party animal, but now only go to a few good parties/festivals and to parties that a friend throws where we always have the best times; )


i ve helped a bit on practical issues concerning parties like i ve offered many car rides to artists or helped to carry equipment/sound system even borrow my projector for many parties and my mixer/cd player etc at times of need.. its nice to see this side of the scene ! i can say i ve been lucky enough to meet some of my favorite artists.


have some very minor attempts at making electronic music with a computer, basically no skills in playing any instruments...am not even going to any parties! have once been in a forest party (last summer). and have hardly any connections to anyone involved with the abovementioned or the music industry either.


but am very open to the possibility of laying my hands on stuff like the acoustic guitar, flutes, piano, drums...sequencers, mixers...just don't seem to have what it takes to get started right now. :)


goatrance, along with some ambient tunes, played anyhow a significant role in my awakening from the "teenage" depression. i can't relate to the trancey sounds in the same way any more, but the taste hasn't much changed though. am more concentrated on etheric and spacey and ambient sounds these days. some ebm and dnb occasionally hits the spot too. :)


during, and towards the end of, the depression i listened to heavy/death metal and my favorites from that period still sound good to me. although i can't take too much of it at once. :)


eleria: dont you get any parties at draconis??  i thought there was a big scene there!


Hehe, yes there is a big scene in Draconis, but I left my homeplanet and moved to the Land of Mystical Woods. Here the elves only come out to dance during the summer ;)

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