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Guest zion

red bi bio da i ljudi iz beograda imaju svoj deo foruma ovde.....

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Pa i bio bi red posto smo jedan od najboljih gradova u svetu. Psy se toliko razvio da nam dolaze svakog meseca grupe koje prze. Infected Mushroom u Barutani, ceka me ko zmaj. Ali Kragujevac ce biti nevidjen Wizzy Noise, Talamasca plus X-Dream jednako ne moze bolji party. Svi koji citaju ovo videcemo se tamo. Posle godinu dana provedenih u Kanadi vracam se u Bg i kako ce biti gotivno ovog leta samo da nastave organizacije ovako. Just keep up the good work. bOOm!!


Hej uskoro treba da se organizuje zurka sa California Sunshine/Adrenalin Drum u YU + Nexus DJ-i. Bit ce pakleno:)

Guest Entare

To balalien:

Now what the hell iz your problem BIATCH!! Will u stop with all that negative attitude. We r not here to fight a war we just want to gather people from Yu who r visiting this forum.

Guest balalien

'@!#$ you' is the translation of 'Ebete se bre...',

and BITCH is the correct spelling...BITCH !!!!


Balalien....Balkanac ostaje Balkanac....pa makar se radilo i o psy trance underground-u...

steta da ostali civilizovan narod gleda nase budalastine i smije nam se...i zbog budala kao ti svi izgledamo tako u ocima drugih...ne samo kad je muzika u pitanju...

Guest Entare

Balalien we can see that u don't realize some things. First of all BIATCH is a slang

and if u ever go to America u will understand that. Second of all who r u to control what topics is someone posting. If u have some issues with us, Serbs well..... we don't give a sh%$. We r not trying to get into a fight with anyone, we r all here to discuss our beloved psy music. Beograd ce uvek biti najgotivniji grad na Balkanu. Pozdravljam sve Jugovice na forumu i videcemo se u Kragujevcu. I ne zaboravite IM u Barutani, bice zlo. bOOm!!

Guest zion

slazem se sa tobom da je sav taj trance koji nam dolazi u talasima pozitivna stvar ali mislim da su partiji koji se organizuju kod nas jako jako LOSI....bas zbog toga se i divim svim tim ljudima koji dolaze kod nas........INFECTED MUSHROOM RULZZZ........

Guest Omer

i think its "Trust In Trance : The Next Miilenium" that youre looking for

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