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DLS - Holo Movement

Guest Astro Cortex

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Guest Astro Cortex

DLS - Holo Movement (1995 IC/DigIt)


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1. 08:58 Morphogenese

2. 08:38 Thopter-Flight

3. 06:39 Holo-Movement

4. 05:05 All On - All Out

5. 02:44 23 Steps to Unity

6. 06:39 Sihaya

7. 06:41 Luminat

8. 11:28 Cosmick Centre

9. 07:21 The Laws ov Form



Let me present to you a truly awesome release by Paul Hostia & Thorn Hoedh, founders of the 23Temple and also known as the hypnotic psy trance project Moksha. DLS (or Delysid) is one of their ambient projects and this is the first of two CD albums they released under that name (There are more of them but they only recorded them on mysterious tapes, which seem to be impossoble to find). It is more ambient than the second album, AnNur AlHaqq, and without the acid sounds of that album, which is more reminiscient of the Moksha sound than this one. The concept of the album or, in fact, of their music in general is based on the relation between the evolution of the universe and the expanding of the mind and on the theory that the higher intellect of the human race is part of that very evolution of the holographic universe, as they call it. Holo-Movement is a thoroughly divine, mystic, epic, atmospheric and spaced-out ambient journey.


Morphogenese is one of the best on here already, an ingenious piece of ambient wizardry, with every sound at its right place. At the end we can hear a sample about the spice from Dune, you know, “the most important substance in the universe is the spice melange, the spice extends life, the spice expands consciousness...”, but in German, very nice. Next is Thopter-Flight, an amazing track as well, this time there’s a higher emphasis in the percussion works. After this comes the title track, Holo-Movement, which gets pretty dark in places and features quite an eerie sounding rhythm section. I love the industrial, apocalyptic feel in this one, but there’s still the chilled and divine ambience layered over it, which is present throughout the entire album. With All On – All Out we get more of the darker soundscapes but this time more detached, without any rhythm underneath. It gets a bit lighter again on the short, interlude-like 23 Steps to Unity, after which follows the haunting Sihaya. It features a 4/4 beat during its second half but it’s still quite laid-back, sort of “ambient trance” actually. And it contains some really clever sounding German samples about the magnetic, the electric and the chemical moment and things like that, very cool. This is an awesome track I can tell you, that sends shivers down my spine with every listen. Luminat is another trance-like tune, with German samples again but this one is more melodic and light sounding than Sihaya. On Cosmick Centre we’re back in real ambient territory. This is very bright and peaceful sounding with its musical-clock-like melodies, a good tune to fall asleep to, sweet dreams assured. And finally there is The Laws ov Form with its crystal-clear and utterly beautiful theme. Simply stunning.


favourite tracks: 1(!), 2, 3, 6(!), 9(!)


This is for sure one of the best ambient albums I’ve heard. Don’t be fooled by the somewhat half-hearted cover design, you should really pick this up if you find it somewhere. A true undiscovered classic it is!! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Never hear this, never find this. But AnNur Al Haqq is amaizin and i realy love it. As Hostia and Hoedh(RIP) is for me Gods of the Music...The problem is theirs stuf is realy hard to find, especially here with our pure scene :(

Do you like also Zoomorph?

Guest Astro Cortex

Hi MIT. Do you own any of the Zoomorph albums? I'm searching desperately for more releases by Hoedh and Hostia but Zoomorph seems impossible to track down. Maybe we can do a CD-R trade?


PS: Does anyone know what's the cause of Hoedh's death two years ago?

  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunatly i don't have so many CD as i want and the worst thing is that i have not nothing from others project of P.Hostia&T.Hoedh except MOKSHA. I not travel enouh and as i sad befor in BG there isn't much music shops and you know that finding something from 23Temple is realy hard. The most of the stuf i hear is own by friends of mine and i just hear them several times :( Of course their stuf in dark ambient is realy easy to find especially Hoedh in memorial album

Guest Astro Cortex

yeah yeah, I guess a part of their back catalogue will remain a mystery forever *sigh*


The Hoedh album 'Universum' was released just last year, so of course it can't be that much of a rarity (yet). As for their other dark ambient output: there's still some very rare and unreleased stuff out there (Absoluthum 03, 04 or 06 anyone?). But at least I recently got the very limited (449 copies) Hostia - 'All is One', on vinyl, since it was never pressed on CD. It would be awesome tho if Hostia released more stuff from their archives in the future. :)


But at least I recently got the very limited (449 copies) Hostia - 'All is One', on vinyl, since it was never pressed on CD.


You lucky bastard :D

It would be awesome tho if Hostia released more stuff from their archives in the future. :)


It will be awesome, but not believe he will produce more like this stuff

Btw is there still that festival "Goagajah"?

  • 4 years later...

Great CD!


I prefer Zoomorph's second disc I think, but it's very close and quite a different style of ambient.


Hymvs from 1993 was also good and not too rare.

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