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seraph: I just recently had listened to Electric Universe, and after that I sure as hell was thinking what you were back there ;)


What kind of sugar-coated candy crap is THAT????


Astral used to be very cool. One of the first Goa acts I got into. I did stand by them for a while. But it's getting hard to nowadays.


I at least still hold out hope for X-Dream, maybe they'll drop the vocals on their next album and then I can properly appreciate it... Even if they move further away from psytrance, it ought to still be good... As long as there's no vocals in it (or as headfuckingly minimal as Irritant)


Infected Mushroom, the others mentioned... I really am not so sure they will recapture their former glory ever... I think IM is gonna go even more commercial next album. BUT that's just my opinion. They are one of the few psytrance bands people who don't listen to psy know about, and they seem like they want to capitalize on that...

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Just one question here.


Since when are Dark Soho considered as an old school artist?


I thought old school was something that reffered to people like Etnica,Electric Universe,Juno Reactor and Man With No Name.....


Just one question here.


Since when are Dark Soho considered as an old school artist?


I thought old school was something that reffered to people like Etnica,Electric Universe,Juno Reactor and Man With No Name.....


well you have a poin here... they never released before 2000 but then again releases in 2004 can still be old skool.... it's a genre... but dark soho are definitly psy trance and not old skool to me imho...

well you have a poin here... they never released before 2000 but then again releases in 2004 can still be old skool.... it's a genre... but dark soho are definitly psy trance and not old skool to me imho...


dark soho isnt old skool to me.. :unsure:

I agree with so many things said, especially by AmithabaBuddha, Seraph, and Lemmiwinks.


I HATE Dark Soho's new album. So okay, Long Way Home was a nice track, but thats it. Seriously, putting a light in their dark is like me sleeping with the night light on again! You just don't regress, you elevate and become better, and by changing, they became worse, and worst yet.. they released it under the name Dark Soho... (!) And I agree with AmithabaBuddha that just about every old-skool artist has disappointed.


TALAMASCA - What the hell happened? Beyond the Mask is another world compared to new Talamasca repetitive crap! What is his fucking problem??? I mean, how the HELL do you go from making such individual, original music to something so formulatic and typical that almost everyone else is doing? :(


COSMOSIS - I haven't fully heard his new album yet... don't know if I want to spend the $$$ to potentially be disappointed again by another once awesome old-skool goatrance artist. Its not worth the money or the agony.


PLANET BEN - Full On my ass! I can take a crap and if I put a sign that says "FULL ON" I'm bound to make money. Get back to being original or drop dead. You're adding to the problem, not solving or helping it.


X-DREAM - Who I give some respect for -- for at least avoiding Full On like all the others and BEING ORIGINAL... even if their new stuff is mixed and obviously not like their older, more impressive stuff. They are still very talented and remind me of Madonna in that they're changing to keep with the current times, even if its a bit, er.. plastic or tacky... or a bit strange to hear such music coming from X-Dream.


SANDMAN ... Well at least when he released that crap he didn't call himself Sandman. Although it was still by the same artist. Unless a new Sandman album comes out thats bad, I can't say Sandman is bad... and I haven't seen anything from him in years.


Even SPACE CAT, and so many others... lets hope PLEIADIANS and TRANSWAVE don't end up on this list by avoiding the Full On thing. I have faith in Transwave because no one left their duo, (as they came together again) but Pleiadians -- if the rumors are true, I'd rather they NOT release an album unless its amazing because I don't want the perfect image of IFO and the unique, super-cool but flawed impression of FOL to be brought down.


And then there is Astral Projection, (I don't want to talk about their remixes on TEN, ugh!!!) which was more disappointing than IN THE MIX. So their last true main album was AMEN; it had all new songs. I gave it a 7/10 in the old reviews section, but I listened to AMEN several weeks ago and actually found it pretty good, several great songs, but it was never really great compared to Dancing Galaxy and Another World, which are classics. With the having others mic your own songs release of TEN... it just sucks to watch AP, artists so talented and innovative let others turn their impression into something so ordinary, and althogh AMEN was a dissapointment, it wasn't a sell-out or a disgrace like many of the old-skool artists; IN THE MIX was the clubish, too-mainstream one that most fans disliked. Same goes for MFG, if they ever appear again I hope its with something worth it; not this typical, formulatic Full On.


And then there's Infected Mushroom, who still make some very good, great music!, but WHAT THE HELL!!! Thats an endless argument because although I hate much of the singing and lack of innovation anymore, many people are learning about psytrance because of them, unfortunately these people are getting into psytrance not realizing it is the typical mainstream psytrance, which means more popularity and attention to the less obtuse, abstract projects which WE for the most part, those with me... seem to encourage.


And lastly there are artists I'm not sure about such as Hallucinogen, who releases tracks on comps but not main albums so its hard to judge, but regardless, almost everone seemed to really enjoy Sphongle so I can't complain there. However, I don't care for Hallucinogens recent work on comps. Its just not as detailed, interesting, overall kickass and hypnotic as the older stuff was. Like where is the innovation, the imaginative moments that make us smile and keep us engaged and intrigued??? Please give me more than a beat, baseline, and a occasional melody or two with several layers of noises and psy-sounds.


I had to quote this; I couldn't resist! Lemmiwinks has said something that is so important, and I feel that everyone should agree with this because its something that simply is.. and I couldn't agree more:


for me a great artist is one who knows when to stop. That's what makes him mythical: release killer stuff after killer stuff and when you feel your new stuff isn't as top-notch as the old then you just stop. That way people have a good image of you.


AMEN!!! B)




Lets try to NOT focus on all the disappointments. Yes they'e are annoying and it can get very frusterating thinking about it. We're all aware of them, and there is nothing that can be done, and plus its draining! Lets focus on the few quality ones that stand out and make an impact; the positive artists who successfully bring back that old goatrance sound or innovate and keep things real and individual, like Talpa when its not sounding like IM. By focusing on the bad we're making it our choice to be angry, and for what? At least those classic artists who unfortunately turned over to the easy way out, made great music in their times and we lived to hear it and have it in our collections! Lets be thankful for that and for new artists like FILTERIA, TALPA, YPSILON 5, SCATTERBRAIN and several more, who keep the scene fresh and alive and strong with passion and quality. There is always hope, and maybe MFG or AP will surprise us all and revive goatrance for the NOW!, Who knows, MFG has yet to disappoint, or not... and maybe AP will release a true intricate masterpiece, unlike AMEN, before they retire. As they said: "Anything is possible." Make it possible AP! Even if it takes years... please. :blink:


Greatest old-skool, goatrance artist to actually IMPROVE and IMPRESS with a main album:


CHI-A.D. - EARTH CROSSING. Bless this brilliant creator! He has done more in my eye's than I could have ever asked, because of the TIME he chose to make and continue that goatrance sound that we have come to miss so much, and he did it better on a main album than he has ever done!


And although not essentially goatrance I suppose: Juno Reactor, for never trying to fix something that isn't broken. For having their own style and NOT ONCE selling out. For remaining innovative, unique, imaginative, dark, stylish, interesting, taking risks, and being aware of it.




are you reffering to the remastering release of Geomantik ???

cause I did find that iniative really safe...


or are they creating goa under another name that I don't know about ???

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