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Hey all,


Was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction that had all the different chords and scales written out or in a chart or something, so that I can incorporate these into my music...I figured it'd be a lot easier than guesswork of 'ooh that sounds bad...ok that sounds good'.


Any help appreciated!! :)


Was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction that had all the different chords and scales written out or in a chart or something,



You should be able to buy a chord sheet very cheaply from any 'classical' music shop.


ie. the type of shop that sells Piano's etc ..... They often sell sheet music as well.


I bought one for £1 in my local Piano shop (Yamaha Dealer). I use it all the time !!! A very good buy !




If you use the arpeggiator in fruity you can let them run automatically.

Just open channel settings, click FUNC, turn Arpeggiator on & select a cord/scale.

Then it's fun to experiment until you can let the comp make the melodies.


If you use the arpeggiator in fruity you can let them run automatically.

Just open channel settings, click FUNC, turn Arpeggiator on & select a cord/scale.

Then it's fun to experiment until you can let the comp make the melodies.



learn some scales man .,, its not that hard...

one day someone wl create a program that composes music randomly but whats the point ??? where the feeling... ??automatic arpegiattor for all melodies???? can that even be considered music?? not by me, anyway.. but il sure do for nowadays nosense fullon trance-.


check the link above its very good

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