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recently i was trying to upload a track to the net and i read in the agreement that no copyright material allowed...

i took a few voice samples of a dvd and used it on that track...and decided not to upload it....


i was just wondering what the system is?? i hear alot of professionally released tracks with various voice samples from movies.... do they get permission for that??? how about if the sample is tweaked till unrecognisable... like pitch shift etc...






recently i was trying to upload a track to the net and i read in the agreement that no copyright material allowed...

i took a few voice samples of a dvd and used it on that track...and decided not to upload it....


i was just wondering what the system is?? i hear alot of professionally released  tracks with various voice samples from movies.... do they get permission for that??? how about if the sample is tweaked till unrecognisable... like pitch shift etc...




The trance-killer himself, SKAZI, tells us that anything over 6 seconds and you're in shit! I guess he pushed the limits before, seeing as though half of FIGHT CLUB is in his tunes! So maybe he's right :huh:


I've always wondered if this is the Law? Anyone know anything?


it could keep many of us out of jail in the future!



You don't go to jail for sampling.

If you think you will be earning millions of dollars, you might have to pay up to 100% of your earnings to the film company or artists you sampled.

For that to happen there is no limit in seconds, if it's recognisable it's not allowed.


Just be happy to screw the warner bros and sample whatever you like, there is nowhere near the amount of money needed for them to get thier lawyers working to retrive it.


Just chill and make the most of freedom of expression while we still have it.

Sample all you like, worst thing that can happen if you use some samples and upload it to a site which would be anal enought to get concerned about a movie sample in a track is that they remove it and you have to find another host.


I think Spindrift has the right idea. Most mainline fullon trance samples well known movies. Not only psytrance but other genres including hardtrance, house and hardhouse. I've never in my time heard a thing about either anybody getting permission or getting into trouble for it.


thats good to hear...just go ahead and use it..hehe..

thanks guys...





Mates of mine back home took samples from Disney's "The Jungle Book" and landed up in court with a fat lawsuit! Disney were well pissed! They had to pay the legal fees and luckily managed to make a settlement with Disney which resulted in them having limited distribution < South Africa only > and paying a hefty percentage of their profits for royalties. So they didn't make any cash out of the tunes, which is quite annoying when music is your income! They fought the law... and the law won!


There is so much piracy of music and films these days that the big players are keen for any fight! Especially when it looks like you're "copying" their material.


So, sure use all the samples you want, just stay the hell away from Disney! And get O.J Simpsons Lawyer!!!!


Are your friends from South Africa?

Oh, and what's the name of the tune? Sounds interesting :P


Oh heavy days! You're from Cape Town too!

Howzit my brah :lol:




Mates of mine back home took samples from Disney's "The Jungle Book" and landed up in court with a fat lawsuit! Disney were well pissed! They had to pay the legal fees and luckily managed to make a settlement with Disney which resulted in them having limited distribution < South Africa only > and paying a hefty percentage of their profits for royalties. So they didn't make any cash out of the tunes, which is quite annoying when music is your income! They fought the law... and the law won!


There is so much piracy of music and films these days that the big players are keen for any fight! Especially when it looks like you're "copying" their material.


So, sure use all the samples you want, just stay the hell away from Disney! And get O.J Simpsons Lawyer!!!!


The big players is keen for fights if they have some money to talk about to get from it.


That you know someone that has been sued for movie samples is interesting, where they making psychedelic trance music?

I would be amazed if thats the case.

I mean most trance we are talking $100-$500 per track.

I have problem imagining Disneys lawyers negotiating how many % of $500 Disney should have.

The lawers would cost more for 10 minutes of work than they could get if they managed to get 100% of the revenue from that track.


And I would like to see someone getting OJ's lawer to defend them against disney for haggling about $500.

Actualy I would be amazed to see anyone getting a lawyer at a cost that makes it worth to try to defend amounts like that.


I never ever heard about anyone in the psytrance scene getting sued for movie samples before, and yet very many of the tracks released is contains movie samples.

IMO you have to be damned paranoid about money if you don't use a sample that you think would be nice for your track.


That you know someone that has been sued for movie samples is interesting, where they making psychedelic trance music?




No it was Drum & Bass.


Sure, lot's of Trance tracks have samples from movies. But these tunes mostly go unheard cos trance is a little underground, so I guess it's o.k. If you make a tune and it get's onto radio you're pretty f#cked! Also, trance is distributed World-Wide, my friends just had a small time local label. There are some greedy bastards out there.


6 seconds ;)


But trance is about music, not talking. So mangle that shit up one time, put some heavy fx and you won't have to worry!


Call me paranoid :blink: But my girlfriend is a lawyer, specialising in copyright law :o !!!


Hoesit Subsonik?! Isn't it cold up North?! Going to Cape Town next week :D Am going to be at the Vortex for some Xerox and Illumination LIVE :D :D :D schweet my bru:)


or just try to use samples from sources that are also quite obscure.

the chances of getting sued for useing an unknown sample on an underground psy track are practically zero.

If you do use samples from popular sources try to at least time stretch, alter the pitch a bit and maybe the formants.

I think a good example of a sample is GMS "Dirty Harry", "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convinceing the world he didnt exist". Im almost positive that sample is from the movie the usual suspects but they have altered it so it sounds no different than someone talking but way different than the actual movie. If they did get sued for that i think they would have a really hard time proving that it wasnt just some guy they recorded talking into a mic.

also please dont sample the matrix, whatever you do...


Not to sound cynical, but I completely agree with you Spindrift.


The discussion is money-driven, nothing else. If psy artists were selling records like britney, do you not think that people hearing their work being used without permission so that YOU can make money from it would be pissed off and do something about it?

They would indeed. However, as it is now there's no incentive.


1) There's so few people listening to psytrance that awareness of sampling is very low.


2) There's no money in psytrance. Even the biggest names in our scene have record sales that pale in comparison to mainstream commercial artists.


Like Spindrift said, if warner bros were anal and stupid enough to pursue a case they would end up losing money - the costs will be high and there's almost nothing to be gained.


Unless the world population suddenly starts tuning into psytrance, I say there's nothing to worry about, sample all you like.


2) There's no money in psytrance. Even the biggest names in our scene have record sales that pale in comparison to mainstream commercial artists.





they don't get much from record sales, but ask them how much they make for a 2-3 hours live set...

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