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Guest raverdave

im a raver from northwest ohio and i want to let you all know that you need to come to a party on the 15th of june. i like to get down and have a good time and would really like to meet other ohio ravers. let me know by email if you wanna meet up or whatnot (especially you cute girls :-} ) and we can make plans to meet up. the party is in columbus and you can find info for it at www.cosmictraveler.com

the people throwing the party are really cool so lets help make it a kickin party so they continue to throw them.

more info tba (to be announced)


peace out


raver dave

Guest raverdave

oh by the way my email is





i have such good memory if you cant tell

Guest sethspun

ohio raver you should come to the party in detroit very close lots og girls and goodies

Guest cyber

Will they play Psy Trance in Columbus? I never heard of this kind of music being played in Ohio.

Guest raver dave

yeah it will be in columbus, are you from ohio cyber

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