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Ignore those last two topics -- Simon Posford or Jesus Chris

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Guest psoulhunter

Ignore Epic's post , yes also this reply



Our Eternal Lord Posford

Guest stringtheory

What is with all this ignore posts crap. Kinda lame. Anyway. Since I don't believe in Jesus Christ, gotta go with Posford on this one!

Guest dam10n

what if I don't believe in string theory?


where do I stand now?



Guest stringtheory

Stand Wherever you want man. Makes no difference to me. All I was saying was that I don't get this ignore posts stuff. Everyone's opinion should be welcome

Guest ZaRAMaTU



You know, actually I have always considered Bolivar, Donald Ducks Saint Bernard dog, as my true savour in war and peace. All hail the almighty hounddog! So I guess I have to go with Bolivar on this one.


Just having some silly fun, stringtheory, especially since every third post seems to involve Posford in some way or another. :)

Guest stringtheory

Thats cool Epic, I wasn't tryin be mean to anyone. I didn't realize it was just a joke. My bad dude!

Guest stringtheory

At least you got some replies goin on this one, don't think there are many people on the board today. I am telling you, they need a chat section. It would make life so much easier being to talk to people and not wait 100 years to get a replay!

Guest stringtheory

Typo, reply......Damn I can't type today...!

Guest dam10n

zaramutu... you and your graven images, false idols... luvverly.

Guest Mindbender

Jesus was just another guy... Well, not quite any guy as he probably the best known person in histrory, but anyway...


And I think that we should treat musicians as they are: normal humans. All this God-worshipping can't be any good for them.



Guest dEc-0-y

who is this jesus guy all where can i download some of his tracks? =P

i doubt hes better than posford but im willing to give him an equal chance

Guest Ancientz

Simon posford = the founder of psytrance if u ask me

He is my 1 and only god, someday i will b part of his label stable. just wait, hehe

im not going to die before im signed on twisted records

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