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One thing I've never understood is why all these guys doing "metal guitar" tracks always seem to end up with really simple and crappy riffs that have no variation at all. Some of these guys are obviously decent players, so why do pretty much all of the psy-guitar tracks in the last 6 years or so sound like stuff a guy playing for 4 months could have come up with?

Good question, maybe they feel it fit better for the dance floor, keep it simple so it easy to mix?! But u r so right, it gets simple and booooooring!




Sgnl_Fltr - Waters


Digicult - Star Travel


I just got the new album today and I give it the first listen. So far it sounds like exactly the kind of full-on I love!! :wub:


I like the cover, hpw's the music? And what type is it?

morning fullon but nice and detailed, not cheap,

still writing on my review, will be online within a weak I guess...


np: for the fifth time this weekend, nice album...


Posted Image


reverend bizarre - they used dark forces / teutonic witch


29 minutes of fuzzy doom :posford: I've been on a sludge / doom metal binge lately...

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