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En Voice - Inclination for Composure. It's a really good chillout album. It's with beats and breaks which I just love. Highly recommended buy the board :)


salut tout le monde (hi everybody)

Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia :: the key dble cd :)


very oldschool project with housy/technoish aspects one of the first genius of early electronics in fact...very minimalistic & hypnotic...very good!!

ça groove!


Droidlock - This World Isn't Real


I see you listened to me about Droidlock album...;):P


I see you listened to me about Droidlock album...;):P


yes some tracks are nice ;)



no Saafi Brothers - Midnight's Children


Saafi Brothers rule ;) all three albums i've heard B)


Astral projection :: open society

i must admit they are more & more commercial!

i mean there is something wrong with the bassline...it's weak! :huh:

but thanx god still catchy melody! :D

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